Search results

  1. steve bryant

    protein skimmer for sale

    Trying to locate you, do you still have lights for sale?
  2. steve bryant

    Sand... How Much?

    Understanding and maintaining a sandbed is another question. [ What does that mean?
  3. steve bryant

    Sand... How Much?

    I want to convert my 55 FO into Reef, how much sand should I have on the bottom?
  4. steve bryant


    Sand and Crushed coral... Why?
  5. steve bryant


    What is next? My 55 SW tank seems to be ready. I want to turn this FO tank into an intermediate Reef tank, but I wanted to know what I should buy to progress this project. The cycle looks right. Should I add some Live Rock and will add more lighting? OR any other suggestions. I am running an...
  6. steve bryant

    What is next?

    My 55 SW tank seems to be ready. I want to turn this FO tank into an intermediate Reef tank, but I wanted to know what I should buy to progress this project. The cycle looks right. Should I add some Live Rock and will add more lighting? OR any other suggestions. I am running an Emprorer...
  7. steve bryant


    I have three power heads but none seem to be reaching the bottom of the tank, I'll look for dust on the dead coral, I was just wanting to go with a FO, but I have seen some beautiful LR, and can't wait to buy some. What should I do next. Buy a better filter, sump etc...?
  8. steve bryant


    Yeah, everything was in storage. I first put the 55 in the tub and rinsed the sand/coral, then emptied the tank, proceeded to fill it with RO water, and mixed in the salt, added the filter with existing biowheels, and new filters. Then added bio "cycle", heat does not seem to be and issue...
  9. steve bryant


    Two weeks have gone by with this restart, dormant and in storage for 5 years, now up and running again with the big emporer dual biowheel, added new carbon to try and gain some clarity but to no avail. Why is my water so cloudy? I Have not tested the water, cant find my kits, will buy/test...
  10. steve bryant


    Moving on to the next step... what should I or can I do economically to my tank after I add some carbon media... where can I find a decent fitration system that is quiet, affordable, and can be stored under the tank in the stand/on the floor. Any tips or items that I can buy let me know. thanks
  11. steve bryant

    Still Cloudy...

    Okay... so I set up an old tank that has been sitting in storage since 1998. Now I have set it up after cleaning the tank (sitting it in the tub, and rinsing the combo sand and crushed coral) after which I added my rocks and display coral (FO tank before... but would like to move on to LR) 45...
  12. steve bryant

    Cloudy Tank?

    I haven't had my tank up for five years and some of the knowledge has escaped me, but in regards to substrate? Do you mean through my filtration? steve
  13. steve bryant

    Cloudy Tank?

    Just Setting up... Cloudy tank after two days of clarity. Why? What should I do?