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  1. ibew

    200 gallon RR Oceanic for sale.

    can you email me pics of the setup please also where are you located
  2. ibew

    Ricordia Reproduction.

    Originally Posted by mie Do you have to cut them down the middle including the mouth in the cut? I have fragged shrooms without including the mouth and they grew just fine. Is this the same with ricordia? no you do not have too its just faster for the shroom to grow a mouth and and a new skirt...
  3. ibew

    Ricordia Reproduction.

    Originally Posted by Dogstar I have several different colors and species of rics for years...never seen any split ( not saying they dont ) but have had many produce buds from under their base. Some do it more often than other and some have never reproduced. thats because you have yumas(at least...
  4. ibew

    Zoo, Paly, Tubs Frags For Sale

    Originally Posted by coraljunky Tubs pending sale.......for IBEW payment sent thanks Justin
  5. ibew

    Nice fish, very expensive.

    Originally Posted by GrouperGenius Not... HIGH FIVE
  6. ibew

    Sun Coral And New Pics Of My Tank

    nice tank your going to have to upgrade to alot bigger tank very shortly to keep some of those fish expecially that naso or your water qualitly will deminish in time with that bioload and the fish will get stressed out if you already know this than nevermind nice tank
  7. ibew

    What's all over my corals???

    get a phosphate test kit too when you test post so we can see whats going on here 30x is good that ammount should suspend detritus from buliding up but you do have small amount of trates do you run a fuge how often do you do water changes and have you recalibrated your refractometer recently...
  8. ibew

    What's all over my corals???

    when you added the gorgs you didn't expose them to air probally so you float temp acclimated them and released them with the water from your bag into your DT. If so the water they were in might be your problem If it was added to your DT. Were did you buy them LFS. need some more info to trouble...
  9. ibew

    The Best Salt?

    Originally Posted by ViPeR_930 A recent batch(es?) of reef crystals had low Ca and Mg but it's not normal for --. I also use --. what brand do you use to raise mag
  10. ibew

    Store Bought Ocean Water

    Originally Posted by teen it would probably help to live somewhere on the water, lol. but if you ever come to LI, id be more than happy to take you out for the day. it cant be that far of a drive, your only in PA. not guam. YO teen in a few months your going to have to change your name. I only...
  11. ibew

    Really Need Help with PH and KH

    Originally Posted by bencc No glass top it's a 12g nano. I have plenty of water circulation. I upgraded from the stock pump to a maxi jet 900 and have the original powerhead in the tank moving water. This kh thing really is a mystery to me. I should be getting my protein skimmer at the end of...
  12. ibew

    coraline algae turning white quickly? help!

    whats your alk/dkh reading your alk probalbly is low being that your calcium is high at 500 they work hand an hand. If calcium is to high alk will be to low an vice versa. But you will from time to time have alittle die off of coraline
  13. ibew

    Ever want to just give up on zoos?

  14. ibew

    170 Gal Acrylic and Lights for Sale

    wish I lived closer I always wanted a tank like that
  15. ibew

    Red Sea Coral Pro Salt Calcium Problem

    what are the other parameters using this salt just curious at a salinity of 1.025 alk mag stro ph thanks Jeremy
  16. ibew

    WTB Sump

    Originally Posted by moonie Are you looking for a acrylic wet/dry / sump? I have two that I want to sell. They are commercialy built / sold. Please let me know Thanks no not a wetdry looking for a fuge sump thanks
  17. ibew

    Ever want to just give up on zoos?

    Originally Posted by Angler man Okay, please explain how an Acan can snack on another coral? I'm still a total noob here. Thanks. some types of acans can extend there feeding tenticals out to 4 to 5 inches for instince my picaso can and orange crush can't but will eat anything near it the...
  18. ibew

    RO Waste water safe to drink?

    RO reverse osmosis water is very good to drink what you don't want to drink is RODI which the DI is deionizer which is bad for a human to consume so make sure your drinking just the RO part of your unit also if it is waste from RODI I would not drink it As far as washing cloths I have no idea...
  19. ibew

    Is this a geed price for a Nova Extreme T-5 Fixture?

    Originally Posted by nycbob mh, depending on the brand, needs replacement very 6-8 months. t5, 12-15 months. u dont wanna wait for the corals to decline b4 changing. I agree I change my daylights out before the earliest time but run actnics to there max
  20. ibew

    Is this a geed price for a Nova Extreme T-5 Fixture?

    Originally Posted by Coral Keeper You have to replace T-5 bulbs every 9-12 months?! I thought it was like every 2 years. a T5 lamp will last 18 months to 2 years. overdriven T5s will last 9 months to a year