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  1. ibew

    drain feed skimmer

    thanks for the help guys
  2. ibew

    WTB Sump

  3. ibew

    drain feed skimmer

    Originally Posted by SCSInet Just about any recirculating skimmer can be deployed in this way. You'll need to "T" off your drain line and install valves so you can regulate the flow into the skimmer. Any of the MRC, Euro Reef, etc recirculating units can do this and can be set up externally...
  4. ibew

    drain feed skimmer

    looking for a skimmer for a 55 gal tank that I can feed off my overflow that is rated at 600 gph and that is external and can plumb back into the sump fuge. Thanks for any reccomendations Jeremy
  5. ibew

    Calling all reefgeeks

    Originally Posted by jhawk Today he is doing a 20% water change and will do one everyweek till we think all tap water is gone.Not sure how many water changes it will take if you have any idea please tell me.Think I have some free sand coming for his tank just need to come a buddy and get him to...
  6. ibew

    Calling all reefgeeks

    also if didn't already make sure to test what ever salt your using to see were all parameters fall for instance your salt may have low mag or low alk or low cal trust me there isn't a perfect salt out there and yours isn't perfect either make sure to use with RO when testing or it will be...
  7. ibew

    Calling all reefgeeks

    Originally Posted by jhawk I'm out of copper test it will be awhile before I can order some the LFS said no sign of copper.Told him to sign up for AWT because I trust them more then anybody with my water test I do think salfiert test kits are one of the best test kits out there but since the...
  8. ibew

    Calling all reefgeeks

    Originally Posted by murph145 it would work best if you could actually post all parameters of the tank they cant be perfect if everything is dying... fish can get ick in good water but corals dont die becuz of ick so sumthing else has to be wrong... ick is caused by stress in fish usually caused...
  9. ibew

    WTB Sump

    looking for 24wide by 10 to 14 wide to 12 to 16 high if anyone has any availiabe must have baffles for drain return and fuge also looking for better quality craftsmanship thanks Jeremy
  10. ibew

    Anyone use Glacier Water Machines?

    Originally Posted by Breineach1 I don't know about all the different kinds of machines, but Glacier is RO/DI. It's what I use- you just have to be careful & make sure it's properly maintained, otherwise it can throw off your parameters. I go to a machine outside a little Asian market; I was able...
  11. ibew

    NOVA Extreme??

    Originally Posted by Al Mc If you want to keep anenomes you will be best with T5 lighting with individual reflectors or metal halides. If you go with T5 like the nova extreme they do not have individual reflectors as I will need to have high light demanding inverts..clams...
  12. ibew

    help with micromussa

    I didn't think it was necessary to feed them. Is there any type of copepod or species that might eat this type of coral. For one reason is they will almost completly die overnight meaning loose all there flesh down to the skeleton stucture.
  13. ibew

    help with micromussa

    I have checked all of my parimeters my Fl ricordea are doing great and and my frogspawn is also doing awsome but for some reason some of my acan and some of my micromussa is residing. I will move it to a different spot it will start to regrow tissue than after awile it will reside again. Do they...
  14. ibew

    Barry Bonds. LOL !!!

    Originally Posted by Ice4Ice Worked hard to earn it !??! Yeah he did - by using steroids. Sorry - Bonds will always be known as a player with a HR record being on steroids. ok go take some steriods and go play MLB baseball. Thats all you need some juice to get the homerun records wow were can I...
  15. ibew

    240 Gallon RR Tank For Sale in PA

    you got a PM
  16. ibew

    new zoa additions plus florida ric's!!!

    ricordeas look good bobby1 how do you like them your tank is looking sweet
  17. ibew

    Bored today, SPS and ricordea pics.

    how are the ricordeas doing bud and your tank looks awsome man
  18. ibew

    250 Watt Metal Halide Retrofit Kit

    you got a pm
  19. ibew

    is just blue lighting ok

    Originally Posted by Reefstar22 I've never really been a price shopper, so I'm not sure.... But would it be because lower K bulbs cost less? - IDK. no the price only varies for different wattages and if there de or se
  20. ibew

    Flordia ricordea pics

    pm sent