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  1. kimgpk


    Not nessesarily. Is the Algea Brown on the substrate?
  2. kimgpk

    People make me so my mother-in-law!

    Alright I hate to get in the middle of this but here it is. I am in my mid 20's I have 2 kids. I had my daughter when I was 17. I made a mistake a I stood up the best I could and took on the responsibilities. I lived with my mother for 3 years after she was born and being stuborn and wanted...
  3. kimgpk


    What does the Algea look like?
  4. kimgpk

    Nitrates---->Environmentally UNfriendly??

    It's not the Nitrates itself it is one of the chemicals to test for Nitrates. I read the same thing in my pamflet. But the way I read it's only one of the three chemicals you use to test your water for Nitrates. It says that you are suppose to rid it like Hazerdious Waste. How ever you are...
  5. kimgpk

    Nitrate Help

    no I don't have my own R/O I buy it from a specialty store. I use Instant Ocean Sea Salt.
  6. kimgpk

    Nitrate Help

    I tested my R/O water and it is testing So I guess I need to go and get some different water. Because I have been putting them in all along uh. Should I do a water change with the new R/O water?
  7. kimgpk

    Nitrate Help

    I am using a caniter ( Fluval 304) I fed a small pinch of pellets everyother day. Do you think that's to much? I haven't tested the water yet though so I will do that.
  8. kimgpk

    Nitrate Help

    Yes I do have a only fish only tank although I wanted to add some zoos can they handle such high Nitrate levels?
  9. kimgpk

    Nitrate Help

    I tested 4 days ago and it was 2.5 p.p.m
  10. kimgpk

    Nitrate Help

    I have 46 gal Bow. My water since it has cycled has always tested normal range for everything. I tested today though and my Nitrate tested 20 p.p.m is this ok or what should I do about it? Did 20% water change Feb 23rd then normal top offs with ro water I fed every other day light is on...
  11. kimgpk

    People make me so my mother-in-law!

    I have a 8 year old and a 3 year old boy and there is no way that he could pull in down on him. I have tried to move mine an inch on the wall and it wouldn't even budge. About the soon to be Mother-In-Law beleive I now your pain although I don't live with her she has done some really crappy...
  12. kimgpk

    fire fish chasing clown

    I have a lot of rock work(sorry no pics can't get any good ones) and the goby only hides at night from what i have seen. I have a 46gal Bow front. Like I said before I only have the 2 fish besides the small clean up crew I have. The clown doesn't seemed to be stressed (at least right now).
  13. kimgpk

    fire fish chasing clown

    It is True Percula. They told me they would be fine together. They're the only fish in there. I have some inverts 1 Peppermint shrimp 1 Cleaner Shrimp 2 Emerald Crabs 2 Snails
  14. kimgpk

    fire fish chasing clown

    I have a clown fish and a purple fire fish they have been in the tank for a little over 2 weeks. They were added - the same time. So now the fire fish seems to be chasing the clown around the tank. when I bought the fish the store never said they were not compatiable. Is this normal...
  15. kimgpk

    Camera Question

    I am new to all of this and would like to take some pics of my tank. I have a Nikon Coolpix 8700 and someone barrowed it and messed the settings all up, and now I can't get any good pics without reflection and them being blurry. Anyone have any suggestions? Thanks
  16. kimgpk

    15 Question Fish Quiz

    I got 10 out of 15 for a C. I think that is alright for only having a tank up for 1 1/2 months.
  17. kimgpk

    Dirty Sand Bed

    I also have the same problem. It is not gone yet though I do have a cleaner crew and I cut down the light by 1 hour a day and feeding everyother day. So even though the problem is not gone yet, it is getting a whole lot better.
  18. kimgpk

    Emerald Crabs

    I already took it out. It lookes like it was the actual crab. It didn't look like a molt, like when the srimp molt I can tell.
  19. kimgpk

    Emerald Crabs

    Sorry this might be a dumb ? but I am a newb. Was wondering when the Emerald Crab molts (it does doesn't it?) Is it the same green? 2 days ago I thought that one of them died and I took it out and threw it out. But as I was sitting there watching the tank I saw bothe crabs
  20. kimgpk

    Michigan role call...

    I Live in Sterling Heights. I have been going to Kee's Aquarium, there people know there stuff athough not a huge selection. I have been to Aquatic Discoveries when I first started my tank and they are mostly a maitnence company and the whole 20 mins I was in there no one ever asked me if I...