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  1. braydonosu

    The GF got kittens... so I got a bigger Tank - My 75 Build

    A few updates - I'll have to take some pictures of the new additions tonight. Growth is still slow on my sps's, is it possible to have too much calcium in your tank? I do not dose anything and my test is saying that my calcium is around 500! Maybe I need to get a new calcium tester (I believe...
  2. braydonosu

    The GF got kittens... so I got a bigger Tank - My 75 Build

    Got a little crazy this weeked. Re-did the plumbing and moved the sump/QT tank a bit in the stand. Put in a few orders for some live stock and some dry goods as well. I am going to try a BTA again (my first since my college nano days) so I decided to move the rockwork around a bit to...
  3. braydonosu

    The GF got kittens... so I got a bigger Tank - My 75 Build

    Thanks - it turned out really well. Now I just need to get some better shots of my other stuff.
  4. braydonosu

    The GF got kittens... so I got a bigger Tank - My 75 Build

    March Updates: Some Top Downs:
  5. braydonosu

    Best Tank Size

    I had only really been thinking about aquascapes for the 4 x 4 tank. I was thinking an atoll shape and a center island. For a longer thinner tank, I feel that there are a lot fewer possibilities, and that it alsways seems to turn into a rock wall effect.
  6. braydonosu

    Best Tank Size

    While sitting at work day dreaming about my perfect future tank, I started to argue with myself about which tank size would be better: 4' x 4' x 2.5' (300 gal) or 8' x 2' x 2.5' (300 gal)? What do you guys think? I like the depth look and the aquascaping possibilities of the square tank, but...
  7. braydonosu

    The GF got kittens... so I got a bigger Tank - My 75 Build

    thanks meowzer - I really like the leather too. It's pretty cool under actinics.
  8. braydonosu

    The GF got kittens... so I got a bigger Tank - My 75 Build

    The tank (in 1 form or another) has been set up for almost 5 years. It started as a 72, then a 40 for almost 3 years, and now it's a 75. I have had all of the live rock excluding about 20 lbs since the begining. All were moved in buckets of saltwater. The tank is old enough and there are...
  9. braydonosu

    The GF got kittens... so I got a bigger Tank - My 75 Build

    Tank Updates: My Purple Brush Gorg has been closed up for the past 2 weeks. Not really sure what's going on, but it has happened before and I haven't noticed any tissue degeneration or anything. There have been pods crawling all over it. My params all check out (Nitrate, Nitrite, Amonia all...
  10. braydonosu

    Killer Whale Lives up to his name...

    From my understanding (Discovery/Nat Geo shows and the like - not really the best sources I know) all members of the dolphin family are very smart and love to play. Biologists have witnessed Orcas and dolphins playing with sea birds and seals by tossing them in the air and dragging them around...
  11. braydonosu

    My best HD video yet: Harlequin Shrimp on a Stick!!!!!

    I was going to say that it must get pretty expensive buying them choc chip stars all the time, but I'm guessing 1 star goes a long way and will hold them over for quite some time.
  12. braydonosu

    Quick 5-pack to look at

    What's your stock list look like? Any chance of a FTS?
  13. braydonosu

    The GF got kittens... so I got a bigger Tank - My 75 Build

    Does anyone know what a brownish hair algae looking thing could be growing off of what appears to be a small damaged indentation on my birds nest frag. I can't relly get a good picture, but I'll try again after work. I'm thinking about pulling the frag out for a lugol's dip. Any ideas?
  14. braydonosu

    The GF got kittens... so I got a bigger Tank - My 75 Build

    Some updated pics of my new stock - they're not great, I really need to work on my photo skills. My New OC clown to pair up my current one. My not-so-new Porcelain crab (Hangs out under rocks, shot from beneath the tank) My Green Tipped Leather
  15. braydonosu

    The GF got kittens... so I got a bigger Tank - My 75 Build

    Received an order the other day from SWF. I got asecond OC clown, a Green tipped Leather, and a Bicolor Blenny, the Manderin didn't make it through the trip. The rest of the animals look good, I'll try to get pics up in the next few days. I noticed a brownish 'algae' looking thing coming...
  16. braydonosu

    My best HD video yet: Harlequin Shrimp on a Stick!!!!!

    What do you feed that guy? I thought they were strict sea star eaters
  17. braydonosu

    The GF got kittens... so I got a bigger Tank - My 75 Build

    Sorry for not getting pics up the other day, as I said SWF delayed my order due to weather. I got a call from one of their reps to tell me that my leopard wrasse jumped ship - she looked all over their facility for a replacement, but they didn't have any others. She's going to substitute a...
  18. braydonosu

    The GF got kittens... so I got a bigger Tank - My 75 Build

    Yep - Roofus got the snip snip and olivia got the ... well whatever they do to girls. No other kittens in our future. Just got an Email from SWF - apparently all the "snow" that they say is going to hit the midwest is holding up my shipment - oh well better late than dead. Usually when Cincy...
  19. braydonosu

    The GF got kittens... so I got a bigger Tank - My 75 Build

    So my Manderin didn't make it - not sure what happened - there one day, gone the next. During my weekend maintenence work I knocked something into my main drain pipe and created a slow drip leak - To anyone just starting a drilled tank - do it right the first time. I didn't have a pipe wrench...
  20. braydonosu

    odyssea light??

    odyssea lights get a lot of bad press in these forums. A while back they were prone to overheating, melting, and causing fires - supposedly they fixed the problem. I looked at them myself but could never find the exact fixture that i wanted. As Bob said, you get what you pay for. As far as...