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  1. braydonosu

    State of the Union Address...What you think?

    I like to stick as close to the middle as possible when it comes to politics (although I am a registered rebublican), but last night was pretty bad. It seemed like The Prez went out of his way to play the blame game - his campaign centered around change we can believe in, but it's still the...
  2. braydonosu

    The GF got kittens... so I got a bigger Tank - My 75 Build

    They're probably about 5-6 mos old now, so not quite kittens, but not quite adults
  3. braydonosu

    The GF got kittens... so I got a bigger Tank - My 75 Build

    I built the whole thing with the help of my uncle (he is a builder and has an amazing shop above his garage) and my step-father.
  4. braydonosu

    The GF got kittens... so I got a bigger Tank - My 75 Build

    His "Best" quality is that he will walk into another room and start crying as loud as he can. He stops as soon as you walk into the room and pet him. We've figured out that he just wants to be in that room and he thinks that you should be there to pet him. He also likes to jump on door frams...
  5. braydonosu

    The GF got kittens... so I got a bigger Tank - My 75 Build

    The 75 is as big as I'll go until I buy a house and can have an inwall tank. Any bigger than this and it will be tough to move. And since I want to be out of Ohio by the end of this year, I nead a manageable tank.
  6. braydonosu

    The GF got kittens... so I got a bigger Tank - My 75 Build

    Roofus: No lie, he sleeps like this sometimes Olivia: Both cuddling: A coworker of my girlfriend had just adopted 3 kittens from a shelter, 2 weeks later her husbend found a cardboard box full of 4 kittens abandoned at a house that they were tearing down - they took them in. The kittens...
  7. braydonosu

    The GF got kittens... so I got a bigger Tank - My 75 Build

    The birds nest and monti and manderin just went in yesterday a few hours before these shots. Thanks Nissan, I really like the look of the wood stand extending past the tank, plus with the top off and power center, I needed the extra room.
  8. braydonosu

    The GF got kittens... so I got a bigger Tank - My 75 Build

    Oops - forgot my Candy Canes: My Zoas: and a FTS:
  9. braydonosu

    The GF got kittens... so I got a bigger Tank - My 75 Build

    This tank has only been up since December - I'm going to try to get about 3 more months out of the stock bulbs unless I see little to no growth or health issues. Thanks for looking guys/gals.
  10. braydonosu

    The GF got kittens... so I got a bigger Tank - My 75 Build

    I really need to get a DSLR camera to take better shots, but I can't bring myself to spend the $$$. Anyway - here are my corals, I'll try to take similar shotes every month so that I can have a bit of a growth log. Photos 1-21-2010 Purple Brush Gorg: Pineapple Favites Brain: GSP's: Hammer...
  11. braydonosu

    The GF got kittens... so I got a bigger Tank - My 75 Build

    My Fish: Yellow Tang Ocellaris Clown My Manderin
  12. braydonosu

    The GF got kittens... so I got a bigger Tank - My 75 Build

    My 40 gal wasn't big enough, so I decided to start a 75. My Girlfriend wanted kittens and I said that I would allow it as long as I could get the 75. I didn't take too many pictures during construction, but I can tell you that the stand is a 2 x 4 construction with Aspen pannels. I think that...
  13. braydonosu

    Health care fiasco

    Originally Posted by SteveDave08 If we were both doing the same job at the same capacity and we have the same knowledge, experience, and quality of work; then one of us making more money than the other just because you went to college is absurd because it would be blatantly obvious that your...
  14. braydonosu

    Health care fiasco

    Have you ever met a teacher that is happy about their pay scale? The ones that get the higher raises are still not happy. Teachers with higher education start off with better paying jobs. Someone with a masters is payed more than someone with a bachelors right off the bat, now if that person...
  15. braydonosu

    Health care fiasco

  16. braydonosu

    Health care fiasco

    I'm not really sure how to respond other than to say that it's the America that we live in. If you don't go to college you are going to have a harder time moving up in the ranks. To your point, I don't believe college makes you better than anyone, but it gives you a large base to start from to...
  17. braydonosu

    Health care fiasco

    Originally Posted by JDL the young and naive thinking $ is the ultimate goal in life. Wisdom is the ultimate goal in life. Think about it. Again, I'll agree, wisdon is my ultimate goal, however I would gladly be naive and not have to live paycheck to paycheck over the smartest person in...
  18. braydonosu

    Health care fiasco

    Originally Posted by Darthtang AW A paid for education only gives you a stepping does not entitle you to a hirer paying job if you don't have the skills yet. I didn't read this part... I disagree. A company is making an investment in a person when they hire them. I do think that...
  19. braydonosu

    Health care fiasco

    Originally Posted by Darthtang AW I disagree with this statement some. It depends on the field of study. Example, years ago I worked for a company in the metal finishing industry. I started at the bottom and with in 4 years I was made the assistant plant manager. I switched out of that position...
  20. braydonosu

    Health care fiasco

    One more thing - I don't think that white collar > Blue collar. I think that the US screwed up big time when they allowed so much blue collar work go overseas, but along your train of thought that "the world needs ditch diggers too," do you think that ditch diggers should be as well off as...