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  1. sal713


    I keep reading about refugiums. I have a 40 gal tank. Is this needed or just a little extra? Can I make one out of a old 2-1/2 gal tank I have with just some mangrove plants I see on ----?
  2. sal713

    purple pincushion urchin

    I got this urchin 3 days ago and today I noticed it is covering itself with shells I had on the bottom. Is this normal?
  3. sal713

    lemon juice coctail for my aiptasia anemones

    I just stuck my aiptasia with lemon juice. As much as I hate to kill something, it was pretty cool. Do I try and gently take them out now? Anyone know?
  4. sal713


    found him! thank you..thought I lost 20 bucks pretty quick
  5. sal713

    what is this?

    is that good or bad?
  6. sal713

    what is this?

    does anybody know what this orange stuff is? it seems to be growing some kind of tubes on it.
  7. sal713

    New/Old Tank

    they will be having a lemon coctail today!
  8. sal713


    will an aiptasia catch and eat a cleaner shrimp? I just bought one yesterday and now its gone but I did find an antenne right below one of the larger aiptasia.:mad:
  9. sal713

    New/Old Tank

    They do look like that. I went to my LFS and he said they are no big deal and that they spread quickly. He gets them on his live rock. Does everything else sound ok?
  10. sal713

    New/Old Tank

    I looked in the inverts here and I dont see the anemone. I'll try and find out. What should I do with the yellow tang? Do aquariums take trades?
  11. sal713

    New/Old Tank

    I just got a 40 Gal. tank that has been set up for a couple of years. For free no less! It has live sand, about 20 lbs of live rock, yellow tang, tomato clown, lawnmower blenny, blue damsel, small butterfly, about 6-7 anenomies, a few snails and blue leg crabs. It has a Millenium2000 and another...