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  1. fishhunter

    Questions before I start SPS/LPS

    Originally Posted by Chrisnif Okay I had a 5 gallon with a 20 w 50/50 PC (screw in coralife) and had some softies and star polyps going, now I've upgrade. Current tank is a 56 AGA, 30x18x24. I have a 175W 14K bulb that is between 6 and 8 inches from the water surface (I should measure it more...
  2. fishhunter

    Just got my Tuamotu Clams:

    Originally Posted by mie Nice shells. How big are they? Wow, those are sweet! how hard are they too keep?
  3. fishhunter

    Only Me

    Originally Posted by Cranberry He's doing something with oil... bringing home gobs of money. How is it reefing in Canada? Hard to get stuff, or no? All my family is still there but I moved because of work.... and I wanted to get off The Rock. Ah its pretty good! I love living on the coast of...
  4. fishhunter

    Only Me

    Originally Posted by Cranberry My brother is in Alberta as well. Works for something like 6 weeks and then returns home for a bit... back and forth. Bahahahahahahahaha! Oil field worker? I work at Canada's largest beef processing plant as a power engineer! I cant complain making 65K+ a year...
  5. fishhunter

    Only Me

    Originally Posted by Cranberry Hello Canuck! I'm a Newfie! Those palys are going to overgrow your zoas, Meowy. Really your an Islander? Lord tundering jebus! Im from B.C. but was forced to move to Alberta for work.
  6. fishhunter

    Only Me

    Originally Posted by meowzer WHERE!!!! I mean Canada eh
  7. fishhunter

    Only Me

    Originally Posted by meowzer What's the's only 29 here in Oklahoma....I'm freezing Quit your wining! Its -13 degrees Fahrenheit here in canuckastan!!!!
  8. fishhunter

    How often do you test your water????

    every week. Better safe then sorry!
  9. fishhunter

    Live Rock!

    Anyone? I want to know what to look out for.
  10. fishhunter

    No skimmer=More polyp extension??

    Originally Posted by spanko I am of the filter, skim, clean up the water as much as you can crowd. This allows some heavier feeding to be done and the coral and fish to benefit from it. I skim 24/7, change out the filter floss daily, dose vodka daily, dose amino acids daily, dose prodibio...
  11. fishhunter

    No skimmer=More polyp extension??

    Originally Posted by deejeff442 i have a 90 reef ,no fish just lots of lr cuc and a lot of corals.i have never run a skimmer and my corals are huge. i believe unless you are pushing the limits of bioload in a tank you don't even need a skimmer.regular water changes which replace basic elements...
  12. fishhunter

    No skimmer=More polyp extension??

    Originally Posted by Flower Most people skim the water too much like 24/7. It strips the food out of the water. Run your skimmer for four or five hours once a week and you will be fine and the food will help the coral. Thats why if you are going to run your skimmer 24/7 You should feed daily...
  13. fishhunter

    Live Rock!

    So Im going to get a shippment of Tonga Live rock from my local fish store. What can I expect on the rock for hitch hickers! Oh im going with 200 LBs for my 130 gal!
  14. fishhunter

    Mooninghts Vs. LEDs...Whats the Hooplah?

    Originally Posted by asharp13 so are you saying that the HP LED's hit the 460-470nm as well as others? what would you recommend i go with? i want them to overpower the daylights and make the back half of my tank glow blue. how do ui think i could accomplish this? only full spectrum HP LEDs...
  15. fishhunter

    Mooninghts Vs. LEDs...Whats the Hooplah?

    Originally Posted by WangoTango The LEDs used in moonlights are usually low-power (like 1W). The ones used as a main source of lighting are the higher quality and higher wattage (3W) LEDs like the Cree XREs or Luxeon. -Justin They are alot less then that in most cases like .1 of a watt. HP...
  16. fishhunter

    Who makes good LED fixtures?

    My tank is 24" tall but realisticly it is only 22 because of the over flow. Then Im going to put 5" of sand so they should be more then enough. Like I said they were throwing off more light then 250W 10000K bulbs at the LFS
  17. fishhunter

    Who makes good LED fixtures? hopefully this works
  18. fishhunter

    Who makes good LED fixtures?

    Im going with these! I have 3 panels allready and HOLY CRAP THEY ARE THE GOOD! I took them in to the LFS to show the owner, he wanted to see them in action. We put them over his SPS tank and 1 panel blew his $1500 halide system away. All the...
  19. fishhunter

    I Am Starting To Hate Xenias

    Originally Posted by Flower $45.00 a stalk is cheap...I paid $60.00 in Wisconsin... Really? With the way these things grow? I always thought that they were expensive at 45$ a stalk.
  20. fishhunter

    I Am Starting To Hate Xenias

    Originally Posted by meowzer LOL...yeah...or throw them in a sump...It seems that in Canada it is hard (and expensive) to get least according to a buddy on here Yup I can attest to that! 45$ a stock here in Canuckastan. Im making a killing off of these things. Fragged mine many...