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  1. fishhunter

    an ideas on this slug thing that was like poofinf smoke in my water?

    Originally Posted by chris17 I think I have a couple. Are they good, bad? I got about 20 of all sizes in my tank! They are harmless. Infact they do a good job in eating algy!
  2. fishhunter

    chemipure elite & purigen?

    There is no such thing as over kill interms of filtration IMHO. But one bag of purigen will last 6 months. I say do that ever 3 months but once a month is over doing it.
  3. fishhunter

    invasion of the algae?

    Regarding hermits I added a bunch of empty shells of all sorts when i put them in to the tank so far they have left my snails alone.
  4. fishhunter

    Beautiful Algae, what is it?

    Sweet man I wish that I had some in my tank!
  5. fishhunter

    show your tanks progression pics

    When i first started Midway Now Now
  6. fishhunter

    what are these?

    ya they are cupped! Right on. He came on a chunck of live rock. I have never though been able to get a good pic of him as he blends in to the LR so well...
  7. fishhunter

    what is this?

    wow that is a wicked spunge! If you have just saw it then it must like your tank to have grown that big!
  8. fishhunter

    what are these?

    the first pic is a crab of somesorts.. Its got furry legs and a fuzless lumpy shell.
  9. fishhunter

    Peppermint Shrimp eating Frog Spawn

    What i have herd from people with similer probelms is that the shrimp now has a "taste" for corals. So ya they are a really easy target that is always there. Think about it once it figgers out that they can eat the corals why go and scavange food...
  10. fishhunter

    what are these?

    I dont know what these are. he has been in my tank since day one. Hasnt botherd anything just picks at the rock looking for algy. And i dont know what these are, they seem to have a skeleton so i dont think they are anenomys.
  11. fishhunter

    Peppermint Shrimp eating Frog Spawn

    This means there is not enough food inthe tank for it.
  12. fishhunter

    What would u do???

    that should be enough. Think about it this way. Here in canada if you buy your RO water its 5$ for 5 gal then you have to pay a 10$ deposit on the bottle!!!! So if you have a larger tank say 30 gal or above it pays when you start doing water changes. Hell if you have a really large tank say a...
  13. fishhunter

    What would u do???

    RO man It saves you big in the long run....
  14. fishhunter

    My first reef.

    That looks like apitasia to me. If it is KILL THEM NOW!!!! Other then that your tank looks great!
  15. fishhunter

    Spreading!!! Want to RID the rock, etc.... HELP wanted....

    By "NUKE" he means kill em yourself using other means. And some pepermint shrimp will eat corals if there is not any other easyer food to find.
  16. fishhunter

    what kind are these!

    I think they are eagle eyes but dont know thanks for the help i got them for 16$ so i think i got a good deal.
  17. fishhunter

    Spreading!!! Want to RID the rock, etc.... HELP wanted....

    Originally Posted by SILENCIO530 Squirt them with boiling water Get a turkey baster and fill it up with boiling water and then get close to this sucka and shoot him ...just make sure u dont get ur fish after u do that u remove them or get pepperment shrimp they will eat them but have herd that...
  18. fishhunter

    Here are some pics of my 14 gal bio cube!

    I got a few more pics as you can see though the flowerpot is not happy.... probebly cus i cleaned the tank it was looking "ok" when i got home from work. what do you think of the frag of the xiena its on a flower pot skeleton there is also some BSP on it! And some un-identified hitch hikers
  19. fishhunter

    Here are some pics of my 14 gal bio cube!

    no not yet Ill take some in a bit. I just cleaned the algy off the glass so there is some floating around.
  20. fishhunter

    Here are some pics of my 14 gal bio cube!

    This is my first reef and every thing seems to be going good! I have lost only fish right now.... dont know why... My first fish (scarlet clown) is just fine and healthy but a dart fish has died I'm sure. The cleaner wrasse comited suicide as it jumped into the back of my tank where was the pump...