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  1. lurch694u

    Dripping Kalkwasser...

    Are you supposed to drip kalkwasser 24hrs a day? Or do you drip it when your lights are off? I bought one those automatic kalkwasser dosers and I have a extra timer. Just wondering.... Also is it ok to drip into the display tank or do you need a sump. I going to order my overflow soon so...
  2. lurch694u

    HELP! Never had salt before!

    joerdie, First I'd like to talk about UV sterilizers. they are great in a FO or FOWLR tank because they do kill the bad stuff, however if you are running a reef and trying to keep lots of inverts/corals they tent to STUNT their growth, not KILL. I run a reef with inverts and corals. I also run...
  3. lurch694u

    Ignore this post

    They should do a movie like lake placid or jaws but with a red tree sponge. "Attack of the Haliclona compressa"
  4. lurch694u

    HELP! Never had salt before!

    The piece of raw shrimp will start to decay which in turn will cause a huge amonia spike in the tank. THen the whole process of tank cycling begins... IMO crushed coral is a nitrate haven... And a pain in the A$$ to vacumn. Argonite sand on the other hand you don't have to vacumn. Critters like...
  5. lurch694u

    Sea Swirl!!!

    DIY Sea Swirl!!! Kinda cool!
  6. lurch694u

    best pumps

    RIO!!! Man!!! Just joking....:p :D :eek:
  7. lurch694u


    Hey what brand of superglue works well at glueing corals in a reef aquarium?? Thought about glueing some of my polyps on the back of my glass.
  8. lurch694u

    I HATE my Eclipse system.....

    Use should custom design a top to fit on the tank... IMO
  9. lurch694u

    2 X 55 PC Hood For Sale

    beattyr I have a JBJ power compact hood. Is it possible to take that apart??
  10. lurch694u

    Last Question on MH bulbs

    So blue actinics have no use but for looks??:confused:
  11. lurch694u

    vho lighting for sale

    Would you be willing to trade a JBJ power compact 48inch 220W fixture for them???
  12. lurch694u

    pm bulet one

    Richierich2000 When I click on the link it is dead... :mad:
  13. lurch694u

    Overflow Question

    Unless your pump is pumping more water than the overflows maximum GPH...
  14. lurch694u

    Last Question on MH bulbs

    Why do you need actinic lighting for if you have metal hallide?? What is the purpose of actinic??? Sorry for the stupid question... :confused:
  15. lurch694u

    Feeding plate coral and open brain

    How do you feed a bubble coral? At night when they are retracted or during the day when there open... Any help would be great... :)
  16. lurch694u

    Tang that doesnt like sea weed?

    My yellow and blue tangs love those baby spinach leafs that you can buy in the grocery store that comes in a plastic bag... That might be a good try for those tangs that are picky... :D
  17. lurch694u

    Ever have annoying suggestions from friends?

    ntvflgirl Make sure you accimilate spongebob correctly. You wouldn't want to shock and kill him... :D :p
  18. lurch694u

    How to catch a fish....

    Boy, you should have seen me trying to catch a lunare wrasse out of my 85 gallon reef... I think that wrasse are about the smartest fish in the aquarium trade. I tried the gatorade bottle trap he was too smart for that... My giant yellow tang wasn't tho. He is dumb trying to fit thru a hole the...
  19. lurch694u

    Starting a sump

    Hey guys I was wondering about any good plans on sumps... I think i'm going to do the 20 gallon rubbermaid container with a hang on overflow... Can someone explain how the overflow works... I know it is siphon feed to the sump but how do you keep the return pump from overflowing the tank and...
  20. lurch694u

    Im adding a sump to my system, give me my shopping list please

    Broomer5 that is a great help with the sump and refugium! I like that setup I'm going with that setup... Also the pics on your website of your sump helps out also... :) Great job!!