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  1. trigahappynigerog

    Are Conchs aggresive

    they are aggressive cleaners
  2. trigahappynigerog

    drilled holes in aquarium??

    you can also use them both as overflows because if one gets clogged you still have water draining into the sump instead of overflowing....
  3. trigahappynigerog

    Anyone ever use Cycle(the additive)

    let it cycle naturally..
  4. trigahappynigerog

    Whats wrong with the Flower Pot??

    does it open when the lights go out??? they are stubborn corals..just give it time and keep us posted.
  5. trigahappynigerog

    whats wrong with crushed coral

    there is nothing wrong with it. its all in your perception. some like cc and some like ls.....
  6. trigahappynigerog

    trigger with a lion

    i suggest a dwarf and a small picasso. that tank is too small for a clown when it gets large.
  7. trigahappynigerog

    drilled holes in aquarium??

    the holes could also be used as an overflow.
  8. trigahappynigerog

    Could this be a nano-beginner reef?

    check this site on <a href="" target="_blank">nanoreefs</a>
  9. trigahappynigerog

    windows xp

    the xp os is garbage..but the screensaver is cool.
  10. trigahappynigerog

    price points please!!

    glass or acrylic??? what kind of stand/canopy???
  11. trigahappynigerog

    Anyone ever use Cycle(the additive)

    i used to use it...but i ddidnt see any changes so i stopped it.
  12. trigahappynigerog

    CC okay in hospital tank?

    how about a bare bottom?? you dont need substrate in a quarentine tank..
  13. trigahappynigerog

    Skimmer for an eclipse

    maybe a seaclone do a search on the board
  14. trigahappynigerog

    what are these salt like white spots on my fish?

    cryptocaryon(ich) is a disease that looks like grains of salt.. amyloodinium (velvet) look like dust.. someone in the disease forum should help ya out
  15. trigahappynigerog

    can a trigger and a lion go together

    clowns are hardy and become aggressive as they get bigger. they are also very active and colorful triggers
  16. trigahappynigerog

    dead fish

    if that was the last thing you did to the tank and all the test came out good that should be it...
  17. trigahappynigerog


    what kind of eel? ray??
  18. trigahappynigerog

    Fish Room

    check this <a href="" target="_blank">centalized filtration</a>
  19. trigahappynigerog

    dead fish

    toxic chemicals can be accidentally added to the tank through the air:smoking,spray cleansers, incense... or your hands:lotion, soaps..
  20. trigahappynigerog

    Help! anyway to get two fish to get along?

    the clown already established his territory..the best thing to do is bring it back..since it bigger and comfortable in the tank it see the other as a threat. you should have started with a pair