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  1. j-cal

    difference in flame angels

    what is the difference in appearance between the "standard" (id assume its hawaiian) flame angel and ones collected from palau vs vanuatu etc etc?
  2. j-cal

    HELP Wierd White Stringy Strands

    I get tons of stringy white jelly liek substance that comes out anytime i do a water change on one of the tanks at work...would it likely be the same thing? A LOT comes out. None of the usualy culprits like cucumbers etc are in the tank
  3. j-cal

    Tube Anenome vs. Ricordia

    That is not an not sure if they sting but that is a tube worm or some type. I couldnt tell ya if they sting or had anything to do with it
  4. j-cal

    Your Anemone Life Span

    Sorry kinda OT Bronco, Any ideas you have about this post or e-mail to I got into the hobby for anemones, and I really want to breed them too. Personally do u think a larger tank or smaller tank would be more conducive to breeding? It would be asier to vary flow in a...
  5. j-cal

    Your Anemone Life Span

    Bronco: what temp to u keep yer anemones at? I killed 2 LTA before dropping my temp from 82 to 75. now my tank stays 75 and i havent lost one since. I currently have 2 lta and doing great. How were u recommending sexing them? Id like to use moon lights to try to cycle them into breeding...
  6. j-cal


    Actually I work at a LFS that is pretty good so i figured Id do that, but i live kinda far out (like 40 min or so) from the place. I thought a move there and back in a few days might be more stessful than garbage cans/other tanks. Is the other tank idea a really bad one? Another option I was...
  7. j-cal


    honestly i didint wanna hear that :(. I'm going to have a magnum 350, seaclone 150 and prolly a prism delux on this bad boy. If it was good for a 55 its gonna be gr8 for a 29, but i dont wanna lose livestock, and It seems like a waste for me to buy new sand when my 55 has more than enough...
  8. j-cal


    I think i wanna downsize my 55 into a 29 for several reasons, btu I had a few questions. If i use the same sand, transfer it directly and quickly, use most of the same water and set up a Q tank for my live stuff for a few hours until sand settles etc, will my 29 minicycle? The stuff is only...
  9. j-cal


    My tank is set up with a dsb now but i keep reading and alluva sudden it seems like dsb crash after 5 yrs. what would cause this and should i convert to a bare bottom. My problem is that i dont have a sump cuz my tank isnt drilled so just using new sand in a refugium wouldnt work. Ideas?
  10. j-cal

    Trading frags

    Im new to the whole trading frags thing, but i posted in the frag trade forum too, but my question is, for branching porites are 1 inch frags large enough for general trade, and when i fragged i had some small pieces fall of that are a little bigger than an eraser head, i can glue those and keep...
  11. j-cal

    Bright yellow porites frags

    btw, msg here or
  12. j-cal

    Bright yellow porites frags

    I have about 10 1 inch long BRIGHT yellow porites frags and some (about 10) quarter to half inchers too. Im new to frag swapping so info on how to ship will be helpful. :) I also have blue shrooms, red shrooms, and a toadstool leather that i COULD frag, but wont unless i have peeps that want...
  13. j-cal

    Marineland Eclipse Lighting

    I am 100% sure u can get them from harrison pet center in harrison ohio (just west of cinci) an employee there named jeff did it once w/ a 29. I work there too and if i was at work i could look it up but give them a call Justin
  14. j-cal

    Halfway OT: Freshwater Pics

    hey rye, i didnt know u oped a lfs too, which one?
  15. j-cal

    Halfway OT: Freshwater Pics

    Rye, correct me if im wrong but arent those cardinal tetras, not neons? im getting red eagle discus on wed to put with some boesemani rainbows. should be neat, but i have no cool camera. If u wanna see em stop by my shop on wed rye
  16. j-cal

    Water temp 82

    I run my tank without a heater! I know its prolly not the best to do things like me but i think u should consider whats in your tank (i dont know so i wont give advice). My tank stays about 78 during the day and 76 at night. Point being, I have two orange base anemones. I used to keepm the...
  17. j-cal

    Upgrading lighting

    I am considering upgrading the lighting on my 55 "reef" from 130 watts PC to MH. How much should I expect to pay and what additional lights will i need to avoid lights making my tank look discolored (if any). I've been looking at systems with 2 fans built in and 2 bulbs (wattages vary) and...
  18. j-cal

    Anemone reproduction

    *Flame retardent suit* Has anyone ever tried to sexually reproduce anemones much like people have made attempts to breed corals with moon cycles and temp fluctuations? I'm prolly WAYYYYYYY outta my league to try this, but I got into the hobby because I like anemones and I have had pretty good...
  19. j-cal

    Snails wont live.....

    Salt- IO 130 watts PC on a 90 gallon w/ low light corals (mushrooms etc) pH 8.2 alk and calc im not sure. she hasnt been in since i posted, but i did run a pH test when she was in. No predators Not sure yet about stray voltage. Originally she has a problem with her hermits all dieing. She...
  20. j-cal

    Snails wont live.....

    I'm at a loss for explanation so you guys may help. I have a good customer that did a 40% water change about a month ago and since then her corals and snails are receding/found dead. My first thought was copper. The aquarium pharmeceuticals copper test read 0 ppm. Her nitrates were at 10 ppm...