Search results

  1. salisbury a d

    Protein skimmer for a 75g

    Not sure what skimmer is best but I can tell you the Prizm $ucks. I have it and it is a piece of junk. It has never worked right and it is loud. Not a skimmer for a tank in a social or quiet room. Adam
  2. salisbury a d

    How to order from SWF

    SWF has good prices but I don't want to spend $75. Is that the only way you can order from this site is the U build it and the pre built packages. What If i want less than that. What happened to being able to buy what you wanted. The page where there was three lists: Inverts, Coral, Fish. And...
  3. salisbury a d

    Lettuce Nudibranche

    Originally posted by sammystingray sertularioides is feather macro.....could have sworn it was bad. Sammystingray I am confused now. It eats the bryopsis or the sertularioides/feather macro. The feather macro is one of the algaes I have that I do not want eaten. Adam
  4. salisbury a d

    Lettuce Nudibranche

    I read a post on these today. Do they really eat hair algae? I somewhat of a Hair algae problem and I am consindering a lettuce nudi. But will it eat my other macro algae that I want. Will it terrorize my tank? Adam
  5. salisbury a d

    Adding new sand

    Well just finished. I started at 1:00 took a 45 minute break at five to eat dinner and practice piano and finished at seven. It looks great. I used a plastic coffe cup to scoop it and put in in a corner where I then used my hand to spread it around. I also rearranged the rockwork and my...
  6. salisbury a d

    Strange wormlike thing.

    I think that is close. It is the same color but without the black bands around the tentacles. Not sure what it looks like overall because I have only seen about 5 of the tentacles sticking out of the rock. About the bristle worms though: When I was adding my new sand today and arranging the...
  7. salisbury a d

    Strange wormlike thing.

    They are very thin and when stretched out very long. It is very hard to describe since I have seen so little of it. Wrassecal, I could not find it on the website you provided. Adam
  8. salisbury a d

    Strange wormlike thing.

    It can't be a bristle worm, It has no bristles. It is also Orange in color. I don't even think it is a worm its "arms" look like a worm.( I should have been more descriptive) One time it came out farther than normal and one one of its "Arms" looked to be maybe 8 or more or less tentacles...
  9. salisbury a d

    Strange wormlike thing.

    I recently bought a beautiful rock with mushroom corals, leather corals, and more on it. A week ago I noticed something moving under it. I picked up the rock and it was a worm-like creature. It is a orange color with many tenacles. It sucked back into it hole. There seems to be many holes in...
  10. salisbury a d

    Adding new sand

    My new sand just came yesterday and I want to know how I should add it. It is the aragalive Fiji pink sand. 0.5-1.0 mm. It is twenty pounds. When I add it should I remove the fish corals and rock or can I safely put it in without hurting anything? Also With it cause a cycle or ammonia or any...
  11. salisbury a d

    Lettuce Nudi (well slug anyway)

    Originally posted by Reefur. There is a deal at a LFS witha 10-12g, helios lightin, stand and all for $300, im contemplating on picking it up. Wow!!:eek: That is way over priced. That is more than my 46 gallon cost. Or does the all part mean filter, lighting, sand, etc. I have a hair algae...
  12. salisbury a d

    New Lighting - What do you think?

    VHO looks great. I have pc and do not like them. I Think I might change to VHO now. Adam
  13. salisbury a d

    Cleaning salt off MH bulbs?

    For some reason I keep thinking that I read vinigar will clean it off but be careful Of the tank. I don't know if this is true. I don't remember where I heard and have never tried it. Usually water only gets the krystals off things but not the white haze it leaves on everything. Give it a try...
  14. salisbury a d

    Why won't my xenia open up

    Looks great. Thanks for the input. Adam
  15. salisbury a d

    What type of sand for a dsb

    Ya. I live in NK and always go to the fish bowl. I just recently bought a rock with mushrooms and a leather coral on it and a rock with xenia. The mushrooms are doing great but the xenia has only opened a few times. I raised the salinity a bit and just got iodine. Hoping this will. help. Are...
  16. salisbury a d

    Why won't my xenia open up

    Good news! My dad said they were open earlier today but he noticed that a hermit crab climbed on the rock and disturbed them so they closed. Adam:)
  17. salisbury a d

    What type of sand for a dsb

    Thanks for the replys. I think what I have in the tank right now is the seaflor special grade. About 2" in most areas. Probably going to go with the aragamax. DVSKIN. Not sure if you want to drive but if you are looking for the sand. Try the home depot they just built in North Kingstown. Adam
  18. salisbury a d

    What type of sand for a dsb

    I thought about that but I remember someone saying to be careful because sometimes there is more than sand in it. If it is play sand is it going to be a nice white color or that awful brown like at a play ground. Adam
  19. salisbury a d

    Why won't my xenia open up

    It has been a while since I have added iodine. Could that be it? My salinity is 1.022. I have raised the salinity to around 1.024. Adam
  20. salisbury a d

    What type of sand for a dsb

    I ordered sand and it came today but do not like what I got. I thought it was what I already have but it wasn't. It was Seaflor Famingo Pink Reef 1-2 mm grain size. I want something smaller in size for a dsb bu I am confused. I am returning the sand I bought and don't know what to get. Should I...