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  1. avbryce1

    How much $ is in your NANO ?

    Originally Posted by Speg I dont think you could even fit 5,100 actual dollars in a 10 gallon tank.......... are you kidding me? 5100 dollars is 51 100 dollar bills, that would be about 3/4 of an inch thick
  2. avbryce1

    How much $ is in your NANO ?

    Originally Posted by JeremyGlen I hope that is a typo. I have a 10g that I've spent about $600 on for everything. Tank = $10 Stand = $50 70w Oceanlight MH = $230 20lbs+/- LR = $65-$80 2 true percs = $54 Kenya Tree Coral = $45 Monti frags = $30 HOB filter = $20 2 Green-banded gobies = $12(gave...
  3. avbryce1

    How much $ is in your NANO ?

    I have had my 10 gal for a little over a year, and I've benn keeping corals for about 8 months. I was thinking about how much $$ I have put into my tank all included I came up with a figure right around 5100 dollars :scared: now I am not saying that I will spend that much each year on but wow...
  4. avbryce1

    Sat Morn 9pak

    those are great pics!! what kind of camera are you using? about the clam, I think that you could keep a derasa clam with your lighting.
  5. avbryce1

    zoas and buttons for trade

    Originally Posted by gfk geez, i wish i lived closer, id frag you some of my hammer, but i dont think it can make it that far yea shipping to cali is pretty steep
  6. avbryce1

    Help! Whats the best skimmer for under $100

    S;f@)i] In this hobby, cutting corners and trying to save 20 bucks here or there will only cost you $100 later. :thinking: thats some good advice
  7. avbryce1

    zoas and buttons for trade

  8. avbryce1

    zoas and buttons for trade

    this is a pic of the zoas in the first pic under full spectrum lighting
  9. avbryce1

    zoas and buttons for trade

    here are the rest of the pics
  10. avbryce1

    zoas and buttons for trade

    well I can tell ya what I dont want, I dont want shrooms or xenia Im pretty much open to any thing elce
  11. avbryce1

    zoas and buttons for trade

    I need to take some more pics and I will add a few more tomorrow I only plan on fragging 5 to 10 polyps of each so the frags wont really be that big
  12. avbryce1

    zoas and buttons for trade

  13. avbryce1

    zoas and buttons for trade

    a trade i had going fell through so I am adding a few more zoas that I am ready to frag this is for trade only.....sorry I am just not intrested in selling. I am going to include actinic and full spectrum shots of each
  14. avbryce1

    Frogspawn Info!

    as you can see in the pic the frogspawn is on the left side of the you see any other corals even close?
  15. avbryce1

    Frogspawn Info!

    I have a frogspawn in my 10 gal and clarkiiboi is right it is tough, it needs plenty of space to open up and it will sting and kill other corals I lost a M.Digitata frag to my frogspawn. I am fragging it next week to get some more space
  16. avbryce1

    5 gal nano

    :eek: way to small of a tank for those fish. they will outgrow that tank in no time
  17. avbryce1

    zoas and buttons for trade

    and the button polyps in the second pic are really great they have a green-ish / pearl type coloring the pic does them little justice
  18. avbryce1

    zoas and buttons for trade

    the actinic pic is the only one I could find right now they are red skirts with silver/blue-ish centers
  19. avbryce1

    zoas and buttons for trade

    zoas and button polyps for trade
  20. avbryce1

    Frogspawn in Memphis

    as of now the frag is spoken for If ram6519 dosent claim it I will consider shipping