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  1. avbryce1

    A few Pics from my 10 gal

    Originally Posted by Laddy Very nice setup.....I like the rock work a lot. How long has it been up and running? thanks :) its been running up and running for 1 year and 2 months
  2. avbryce1

    A few Pics from my 10 gal

    Originally Posted by feixjai cool. how big is that sexy shrimp? not very big mabie an inch to an inch and a half
  3. avbryce1

    A few Pics from my 10 gal

    thanks... the lighting is a orbit 2x 40w w/moonlights. as far as the liverock I'm not really shure I'd say about 15 lbs give or take.
  4. avbryce1

    3 most important things in reefkeeping

    thank you all for responding any more??
  5. avbryce1

    3 most important things in reefkeeping

    I am giving a speech on reef keeping in one of my classes and one of my sources has to be a survey. So my survey question is this... What are the three most important parts of maintaining a successful reef tank? I say that it is... 1. Lighting 2. Stable water chemistry 3. Good water movement...
  6. avbryce1

    A few Pics from my 10 gal

    I dont have a very good full tank shot right now. I always get into taking the macros and forget to take a full tank shot this one is from a few months ago
  7. avbryce1

    A few Pics from my 10 gal

  8. avbryce1

    A few Pics from my 10 gal

  9. avbryce1

    sump fuge diy questions

    when building a seperate sump fuge systyem should the water go into the sump or fuge first? I was planning on having the water flow from the overflow into the fuge then into the sump and back to the tank. is it better to have the fuge before the sump or the other way around
  10. avbryce1

    How much $ is in your NANO ?

  11. avbryce1

    Clam photo

    nice pics I like the one of the derasa the best
  12. avbryce1

    5 gallon nano

    that is a huge bio-load for a 5g tank I made a few mods to your list.... 4 turbo snails 5 nassaruis snails 2 bumbell bee snails 1 electric blue hermit crabs 1 cleaner shrimp 1 clown goby or 2 neon goby a few polyps a few ricordias a few mushrooms 1 trumpet coral 2 bains not sure wat type though...
  13. avbryce1

    How much $ is in your NANO ?

  14. avbryce1

    How much $ is in your NANO ?

    every fish that I have "Killed" came from *****.
  15. avbryce1

    How much $ is in your NANO ?

    wow this thread has really taken off I havent been on in a while due to me getting married last saturday. I'm glad to see that some people see my side of it ( dskidmore, jobob) I just want to clarify a few things: I dident start this thread to try and prove anything, I just got bored and started...
  16. avbryce1

    How much $ is in your NANO ?

    Originally Posted by WHO DEY so you have lost $3,160 worth of livestock?? :thinking: yea...... the false percs that I had cost me about a thousand a peice they were the very very rare blue and pink clownfish the monti frag that I had cost me about a grand also oh and I can't forget my electric...
  17. avbryce1

    How much $ is in your NANO ?

    Originally Posted by malounsbury Or maybe he spent a lot of money on water so he would have it ready for a livetime worth of water changes. :thinking: I have spent quite a bit on water changes I do 4 gal per week and i buy saltwater instead of mixing. plus I lose about 2.5 gal per week to...
  18. avbryce1

    How much $ is in your NANO ?

    button polyps 40$ zoas #1 50$ green fussy shrooms 45$ yellow polyps 30$ xenia 55$ green lobo 45$ zoas #2 65$ zoas#3 65$ zoas#4 65$ frogspawn 75$ multi rock 120$ clam 60$ and thats rounding down fish and cleanup..... 1 firefish 25$ 1 yellow watchman goby 30$ 1 cleaner shrimp 25$ 2 sexys - 20$ ea=...
  19. avbryce1

    How much $ is in your NANO ?

    Originally Posted by WHO DEY maybe 5100bucks was spent replacing animals that didn't live. that would suck but it's possible i guess :notsure: nope not quite I've lost 2 false percs 1 damsel 2 royal grammas a couple of blue leg hermits and one electric blue hermit the only coral I have lost is...
  20. avbryce1

    How much $ is in your NANO ?

    10 g tank 12$ hob filter 30$ n/o light and hood 15$ heater 15$ x2 (first one went bad) "real ocean" water for first fill up 25$ 1 bag of live sand 30$ 1 bag of tropical play sand 5$ LR 8$ x 20 lbs= 160$ powerhead 20$ red sea test kit 60$ salifert test kit (after I realized that the red sea kit...