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  1. sptfyre51

    Sand Sifting Fish

    Don't most Dwarf Angels require a larger than 30 g? I really like the bicolor angelfish, but everything i've read says at least 55g. What types of Dwarf Angels did you have in your tank?
  2. sptfyre51

    Sand Sifting Fish

    Thank you that does help. Probably going to go with something else then. I was hoping it would work because I love watching them sift sand, but with this being my first salt water tank I will stick with fish I don't have to worry as much about
  3. sptfyre51

    Sand Sifting Fish

    I do not have any coral or anemones just around 30 lbs or live rock
  4. sptfyre51

    Sand Sifting Fish

    I have a 30 gallon tank with 40 lbs of live sand. I really like the sand sifting gobies, particularly the golden headed sleeper, but have read mixed results on whether they need a bigger tank. Would any type of sand sifting goby be ok in that size of tank?
  5. sptfyre51

    Sand Sifter

    Have you had any problems with it jumping? Or any problems with other fish in the tank?
  6. sptfyre51

    Sand Sifter

    I have a 30 gallon tank and was wondering what is the best type sand sifting fish I could have in my tank?
  7. sptfyre51

    Silicone Anemone

    I am planning on buying a clownfish for my wife, but don't have sufficient light for an anemone so I was thinking about getting a silicone one. Do silicone anemone's actually work? and if they do do they last?