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  1. hatessushi

    Learned a hard lesson...

    I'm sorry to hear that. My Yellow watchman goby did that but since my refugium is part of the back of the tank he landed in there and I had to remove eveything to get him out 3 months later. I thought he was dead and one night looked back there and there he was sitting there staring back at me...
  2. hatessushi

    A six line wrasse will eat my live rock? True or False

    It might eat stuff that is growing on the live rock. I know Parrot fish actually eat rock but I have not heard of wrasses eating it.
  3. hatessushi

    I'm new and my fish all died.....

    Sorry to hear your LFS put you through that. There is a lot more to keeping salt water fish then setting it up like a fresh water tank. Welcome to and I hope you read as much as you can. The people here can help out alot. Some were even in the same boat as you find yourself. Good luck...
  4. hatessushi


    You must mean "The Contientious Marine Aquarist" I believe this site sells the book.
  5. hatessushi

    My Nitrates are insane!!! Help

    Originally Posted by earlybird reef, What could cause a raise this much in one day? His alk and pH dropped a lot also. ????? Water change water was not the same in temp, pH, Alk or sg as the DT.
  6. hatessushi

    My Nitrates are insane!!! Help

    Originally Posted by earlybird Yikes I think you are in trouble. Everything is off. You may have already lost your fish but I'm not sure. Get the fish out and in a hospital tank. What kind of fish, how many? Large water changes are needed. Don't know about the bioenzyme. Do you use...
  7. hatessushi


    I have a Kole tang in a 90 gallon and he does fine. He is grazing on algea all the time and is healthy. I see no problems with the smaller tangs in a 72 or larger tank even when they are full grown. In fact many on this board gave me that advice when I was stocking the tank. I have a hawaiian...
  8. hatessushi

    Changing water???

    On a 90 gallon tank I do a 10% water change per week. Not to much to handle and not to little to make a difference.
  9. hatessushi

    Storing Water

    Are you using RO water for mixing new water? Also, when you got the container did you clean it with fresh water and vinegar? If you are using tap water then the only thing you should add to the water before mixing the salt is some kind of dechlorinator. You don't need to add any buffers because...
  10. hatessushi

    Lots of bubble algae in Refugium. O.K.?

    When the bubbles break it will spread to the DT.
  11. hatessushi

    Help (tell me if im right)

    If you really want to get rid of nitrates since yours are so high is get a Denitrator. Midwest Aquatics make the sulphur and non-sulphur denitrifier. There are a few others out there. I have the sulphur one which I installed since my nitrates were at over 80ppm and my tank is a reef tank. My...
  12. hatessushi

    Shark in a 55g

    Originally Posted by Jon321 Does it make ANY sense wat-so-ever that consistently good quality fish would come from poor quality facilities?.... :notsure: Bad facilities = bad fish, good facilities = good fish. Jon No it doesn't make sense, but have you actually seen their facility? I could be...
  13. hatessushi

    Shark in a 55g

    Originally Posted by Jon321 Thats why there are places like Jon Although, do you really know how houses their fish? You are assumming they are better then some of the lfs out there like ncprowler is talking about. It is a good assumption even though all...
  14. hatessushi

    What do you wish you never added to your tank?

    Xenia, but all is good now since my coral Beauty ate it all up.
  15. hatessushi


    Trigger are smart and can be trained, eels can't
  16. hatessushi

    Order Here! Problems.

    Since you had no fish in your DT you should be fine. Most people will tell you that your first fish can go right into the DT and a QT is not needed until you get more fish. You should wait 2 or 3 weeks before you add more fish anyways so your ok. In fact since you have the fish in DT you can...
  17. hatessushi


    How did it change? Do you run lights at night? At night the pH will naturally go down because photosynthesis stops. When the lights come back on the pH will rise throughout the day since photosynthesis is continued. At what times did you check the pH to get the difference? It should be ok as...
  18. hatessushi

    hope i'm right !

    Originally Posted by Beth Usually by "brown" algae in a new tank, it means diatoms, which isn't really algae at all but colonies of micro organisms. Typically a new tank will see some of this, but using Distilled or RO water will help.
  19. hatessushi

    Retarded anemone?

    Originally Posted by jessica47421 i think you just proved my point for me when you spoke of ur brother you said mentally challenged, u sure didnt call him a retard. thank you Yes, I used the word mentally challenged to more or less define his disability. He is not seriously retarded and it's...
  20. hatessushi

    Retarded anemone?

    Reefrunner, good luck on the anenome.. have a nice day