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  1. cowabonga

    FISH FOR SALE - percula, 6line, gobies, etc

    give me those 3 fishes including the fireshrimp for 40 bucks
  2. cowabonga

    FISH FOR SALE - percula, 6line, gobies, etc

    whats the size on it..and can you guarantee me that these fishes have never been expose to ich,...because i im done leaving my tank fishless for 2 months now because of an ick long have you had these fishes?
  3. cowabonga

    FISH FOR SALE - percula, 6line, gobies, etc

    im in san much you want for the percula, sixline wrasse,watchman goby???
  4. cowabonga

    72 gallon owners

    can i fit the 20h through the door too?
  5. cowabonga

    72 gallon owners

    i have the all glass stand and want to put a sump... i have my eye on the 20L but i know its not possible...whats the biggest tank that i can fit through the opening? I plan to make it a sump/refug. Also would a mag12 be enough as a return 4 feet up into the tank? Thanks
  6. cowabonga

    help id

    i have a few of these growing around my tank. I have a feeling that it cant be good. Plus help id and how to get rid of it. Thanks
  7. cowabonga

    mixing 1 ocellaris with 2 percula

    in a 72 gallon. You think there will be conflict? Thanks
  8. cowabonga

    AUCTION CANCELED - parting out items WHILE THEY LAST.

    how much for fireshrimp and digital?
  9. cowabonga

    AUCTION CANCELED - parting out items WHILE THEY LAST.

    ill give you the fireshrimp and digital thermometer for 18 bucks. Im in san diego too. Tel me what you think
  10. cowabonga

    bad or good idea for refugium

    so should the flow rate down be 7x and going up 7x too? Or should it be even more overrated? Thanks for your time. Also im kind of a newbie to plumbing. What are ball Valves? durso pipe? Is there a site that explains all this? Thanks again
  11. cowabonga

    bad or good idea for refugium

    lol...great fuge and design!! but no one answered my flow rate question yet:(
  12. cowabonga

    bad or good idea for refugium

    how do i know the flow rate that i need? How fast should water be coming down? and fast should it be pumped back up? Thanks guys
  13. cowabonga

    bad or good idea for refugium

    what is also the best brand of overflow?
  14. cowabonga

    bad or good idea for refugium

    i have a 72 gallon bowfront. I think imma do the sump refugium idea. How fast should the flow rate be. How fast should the water flow and down..and what type of pump to bring it back up? Where do you also get those plexi glass divider thingys? And what type of glue do you use? Thanks.
  15. cowabonga

    bad or good idea for refugium

    i was just planning to do just a 10 gallon refugium. I was wondering if i can use a powerhead to bring the water to the refugium and anothe powerhead to bring the water back up. The two powerheads will be this a bad idea>?. Which powerheads do you recommend me use for this...
  16. cowabonga

    fs: 2 two month old 96 watt bulb

    Bump they are square pin 50 including shipping
  17. cowabonga

    Clown in Hypo

    skin peeling? I think it might be research on it
  18. cowabonga

    Trade or sell me a small tank? 10 or smaller

    why dont you go to ***** and pick one up for 8 bucks?!?:p
  19. cowabonga

    hypo and still ick?

    my fish has been through hypo for the last month. And this week i was in the process of raising up the salinity when i noticed the flame angel scratching against a rock. I saw my tang do that last week. But there has been no visible sign of ick anywhere. The only changes i made was that i...
  20. cowabonga

    expired maracyn-two?

    i just bought maracyn-two and looked at it and found out its been expired since sept/02. Is it still reusable or should i return it?