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  1. cowabonga

    Brooklynella? on percula??

    sorry forgot to mention.. is it safe to treat them with maracyn two or nitrofurzone while performing hyposalinity? Thanks
  2. cowabonga

    Brooklynella? on percula??

    should i treat the whole tank? Is the disease spreadable to the other 2 fishes? Do you recommend maracyn two or nitrofurzone? How do you go about treating them with these antibotics(I assumed)? Is this disease deadly? Thanks again.
  3. cowabonga

    Brooklynella? on percula??

    i just got a pair of true perculas today..not sure if they are wild caught or not....but one of them which i noticed did not eat today..but the other did...anyways he has a long thin white strand coming out of his anus...But his colors are fine and no other symptoms are showing....Are these...
  4. cowabonga

    Rio Bashing!!! Come on join in

    ps. dont know if it was in my head or not..but everytime that happened..i felt some electric current in the water....not a good thing
  5. cowabonga

    Rio Bashing!!! Come on join in

    i had a rio 1400 for my remora pro skimmer...and one word...unreliable.....i can never turn off the pump because i wouldnt know if it would start up again. Which was 90 percent of the time. It was just a big hassle and a big mess to get that stupid thing going again...You had to leave it...
  6. cowabonga

    Colt Coral Info pleeeeze.

    i didnt know it stings other coral?!?:eek:
  7. cowabonga

    Catching Fish

    i tried everything in the book....none worked. EXCEPT....while feeding ur fish....turn all the lights off immediately...the fish will be in shock and then just snatch that sucker right up..took me 3 tries...but thats pretty good for a firefish. They are fast ass hell. I also went out and...
  8. cowabonga

    Coralline Algae

    i second that reef vital the deep purple algae thrives in low lite tank...the color gets lighter and varies when the amount of light increases
  9. cowabonga

    frogspawn, mushrooms, and buttons not doing well

    it might be too much light for the mushroom...i had a friend who had 2x32 watt on his 10 gallon and his mushroom nevered opened up...and then i transfered it to my tank with had only 3.5 watt per gallon..and it opened it completely... but im assuming this isnt the situation since u had the tank...
  10. cowabonga

    Advise on choosing new fish

    oopss didnt see that you already have a percula....well buy him a mate...ocellaris...:p
  11. cowabonga

    Advise on choosing new fish

    save some clowns from *****!!
  12. cowabonga

    New reef, new fish population. suggestions please.

    the tang is kinda pushing it, hold that sucker off until your 75 upgrade. The rest of the fish sounds good.
  13. cowabonga

    fs: 4x65watt pc

    u got mail
  14. cowabonga

    fs: 4x65watt pc

    i have never had a single problem with me at
  15. cowabonga

    fs: 4x65watt pc

    froozen guy....its 4x65 a total of 260 watt. Its 2 10k and 2 03 actinic.
  16. cowabonga

    fs: 4x65watt pc

    reflection of the 4x65
  17. cowabonga

    fs: 4x65watt pc

    another closeup
  18. cowabonga

    fs: 4x65watt pc

    pix with just the 03 actinics on
  19. cowabonga

    fs: 4x65watt pc

    4 bulbs were lined side by side......the 4 smaller bulbs are the 4x65....... the picture i posted on top isnt with the extra 2x96 you see in the pix...those are just recent upgrades....
  20. cowabonga

    Before and after Pics

    lol i like the before too...what changed?