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  1. drea

    zoanthid club

    i'm sure we could figure out a way just to trade corals... i mean we could even setup myspace accounts just for trades... (i really prefer not to though) i'll have some polyps of zoos soon
  2. drea

    out of curiosity? any "real" Italians here?

    Originally Posted by reefernana Wow, most northern Italians are very light haired because of the Austrian influence so close to the border. My grandmother's side from above Venice near Pordenone are all blonds and blue eyed. so true, and i'm the typical ny italian, even though i'm the "real"...
  3. drea

    out of curiosity? any "real" Italians here?

    love this thread, i'm such a loser, haha! best way to learn italian, is simple books, such as "an idiots guide to learning italian" its actually not bad at all... and italian music! its very poetic...
  4. drea

    zoanthid club

    i'm in too fellas!
  5. drea

    out of curiosity? any "real" Italians here?

    Originally Posted by Jovial Nice Toy what year? I have an 88 with a small block in it. Born in Germany. thanx! its a 97 tacoma, i need to put a better motor in there, although this one is pretty nice! see all you people are from all over in diff areas.. pretty cool no? i reall should start a...
  6. drea

    out of curiosity? any "real" Italians here?

    awesome, i just love hearing where people are from and where they are now, its very interesting to know where we came from... even if we are not italian like agent x!
  7. drea

    Some eye candies ;)

    you have the nicest corals, omg! i have never seen a lot of the corals you have pics of
  8. drea

    Corals reduce nitrates!

    xenia def helps, mine readings were never 0 till i added xenia, its just amazing! and these readings are feeding everyday, and a month w/o water changes (usually i change every 2 weeks)
  9. drea

    out of curiosity? any "real" Italians here?

    i came here when i was 5, and teach itl, also go back n forth.. i was born in padova(northern italy)..... and i'm half calabrese as well.. just outta curiosty... i love to see and hear other stories....
  10. drea

    Any Vette owners out there?

    i never liked vettes (but appreciated them) untill the z06 series came out! maybe one day.. i just bought a bmw 335i that i love, but maybe i should have bought a z06, at least there are no back seats so i don't have to put anyoe in my car!
  11. drea

    Red Mushroom rocks, individual shrooms and xenia fs or trade..

    Originally Posted by NyButterfly03 Any zenia and single shrooms left? yes plenty of xenia and shrooms, my shrooms grow like crazy, pm me
  12. drea

    A couple beginner SPS-Montipora

    please pm me for green slimer and peach 1 inch shipped to 11787
  13. drea

    what coral softies are toxic to each other?

    this is def something i need to keep studying and reading about, thanx again guys, this is really helpful
  14. drea

    what coral softies are toxic to each other?

    Originally Posted by Nano Reefer the same coral cant sting each other...zoos cant sting zoos, mushies cant sting mushies, etc. because they use the same toxins. Whats the point of poisoning someone with arsenic who is immune to arsenic... also hammers cant sting torches who cant sting...
  15. drea

    what coral softies are toxic to each other?

    Originally Posted by markanderson In my experience its never good to have any corals touching. Soft corals are general less aggressive than stony so they probably won't greatly harm the other corals, but they will release toxins which my build up after time and harm the tank. This may still be...
  16. drea

    Red Mushroom rocks, individual shrooms and xenia fs or trade..

    Originally Posted by PORKY PUFF I'm in Seaford. Not sure when I can get out by you. Whats the best way to contact you? Do you go to Nassau County much? i actually live towards the end of smithtown, right by the NSP, so let me know, i'm always in Nassau county, takes me 20 min to get to Ross...
  17. drea

    what coral softies are toxic to each other?

    meaning, if zoos and shrooms touch, is that ok? or if xenia touches zoos or corals? how does this all work? will they release chemicals on each other? i have various zoos red shrooms frogspawn xenia some polys thanx!
  18. drea

    finally, after 3 yrs have i have 0 nitrate/nitrite levels!(xenia?)

    Originally Posted by NEreef it could have helped. some people run xenia in fuges instead of macro algae. wow! i did not know that, cool!
  19. drea

    finally, after 3 yrs have i have 0 nitrate/nitrite levels!(xenia?)

    and i feed everyday!!!!!! i have a 75 gallon w/ about 75 lbs of LR a hippo tang, purple tang, two clowns two neon gobies, various snails shrimp & crabs and some corals its constanly been low, but never 0...... i do have xenia, could that have really helped out? that was the only major change i...
  20. drea

    bunch of pics

    hey teen pm me if ya want some free xenia, i'm going to be trading some to a lfs, so if ya want to try it again, let me know, i have some nice frags