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  1. naclfish

    Cleaner shrimp in an aggressive tank

    ill give 3 to 1 odds on the fish
  2. naclfish

    Never Again!

    velvet damsel aka black death he has killed more than his share and wont let me add any new fish ive tried to catch him a few times and hes been lucky but he deff has a date with the toilet when i catch him
  3. naclfish

    ro question and ca question

    will do thanx
  4. naclfish

    ro question and ca question

    i dont think so i have like 20-30 crabs (hermits) like 10-15 snails and 2 emralds a sally light foot and a cleaner shrimp and a pep shrimp 70-90lbs rock. when i top off i bring home a few jugs of ro from work should i be doing anything with this top off water or just pouring it in. ive never had...
  5. naclfish

    to make a short story long...

    well im glad i found when i mention i have a saltwater tank most people just say ugh and have tons of horror stories about the whole process cost and failures and how hard it is. without swf i would have quit along time ago. if u have a good lfs then your pretty lucky in my book.
  6. naclfish

    ro question and ca question

    question the ro i use has a tds of 2ppm the salt mix i use says it buffers the ca i need to order a new ca test kit i had some issues with the last one i never really got a consistant reading from it so can someone reccomend a good test kit and should i use kalkwasser in addition to the salt mix?
  7. naclfish

    to make a short story long...

    thanx oh well i guess the funny part is i know that lfs have to mark up and over the years i've still bought a lot of stuff from them i avoid petsnotsosmart and deathCo at all cost. i guess my money will be spent at
  8. naclfish

    to make a short story long...

    wow i got kicked out of my lfs today. i was looking around i do this 1-2 times a week i usally buy something or other but i like to keep on the lookout for something special ya know i was about to get some snails and the kid who was helping was called over by a customer with a question about a...
  9. naclfish

    White Spots on Coraline Algee?

    i have some rock thats just like that some times it gets little spots and gets white in some areas then it goes away im not sure if its a cycle of it but mine always goes away
  10. naclfish


    how long have u had the tank? when did it cycle? what are your water param's. whats ure light,filter,skimmer,what kind of water do u use.
  11. naclfish

    Who thinks this is way too many fish?

    i think there's room for a trigger. infact why not toss in a bamboo cat if its a baby...bad joke
  12. naclfish


    where do u get ure ro? at a store machine or do u have a ro? if its ure own have u changed the membrane or cleaned it. if at a store check the tds of if. when ro are not givin the proper maint. they can give out awful water the membrane will act like a sink once its absorbed it max it will then...
  13. naclfish

    help. me decide. my future of my 55

    i have a 55. its all set to go. i just need some ideas on some fish. ive done the mini reef and now i just want some fish. but it has a bunch of snails and crabs and 2 star fish and a clown in it. what was left of my old reef tank. give me some ideas. id like a puffer. i think i want some...
  14. naclfish

    first saltwater tank..need some tips and advice.

    heres some basic set up advice. use RO it will help avoid some nasty blooms that may result from tap water. DONT BUY LIKE 50lbs of live sand if you decide to use it seed dead sand with like 5lbs. same goes with rock order a nice package of it but you can prob find some nice dead rock for like...
  15. naclfish

    first saltwater tank..need some tips and advice.

    Welcome Welcome Welcome... and good luck. this will consume you trust me saltwater reefs and tanks are way more addictive and expensive than a drug habit. but it pretty much comes down to cash the more you have up front and to work with can make it easy. my advice read read and read some more...
  16. naclfish

    What kind of filter....

    i had a aquaclear 110 i converted into a minfuge easy to do just google it they can be found cheep on the e#@y place. stuff it with some cheto. i also ran a magnum hob with live rock rubble in it on a 30. it worked well and i never had any problems. i didnt keep it when i upgraded but when i...
  17. naclfish

    Koralia Pumps ?'s

    i have 2 k-3's on a 55 and i love em. never had a problem
  18. naclfish

    let me know your thoughts

    anyone have any experance with the aquafuge hob refugium its similar to this thing Im looking at. its like 400 bucks but has built in bakpac skimmer and comes with light my tank is a 55g would this be a waste of money of useful
  19. naclfish

    your brand opinion for RO / DI

    US filter direct RO 8gal per min. about 250,000$ with media and di backups and .002 superfilters.hehe i work in the medical field and bring home my water in 5gal cans.