Search results

  1. waterdog

    Small Skimmer?

    Sure man, e-mail is to the left.
  2. waterdog

    Small Skimmer?

    Thanks Kip, I now remember something about twice the capacity on your skimmer. I want to make this new tank very nice so that I am not constantly fixing my mistakes caused by trying to do it cheap. Would getting the smallest EuroReef be worth it. I'd have to break the bank, but if it will...
  3. waterdog

    Small Skimmer?

    I want to get an in sump skimmer for my 37g tank. All of the recommendations that I have seen in other posts have been for skimmers that are made for 100+ gallon systems. Is there a quality skimmer out there that will fit a small tank with a 10g sump? Any help would be really appreciated!!
  4. waterdog

    150 year old hitchhiker found on rocks!??!?!

    Wow!! That must be a very old kind of chiton. I don't know any other in the species that has the plates so spread out. Who ID'd him? Was is some bio prof or something. Either way, VERY cool! (Oh, and I just hit 100 posts :-))
  5. waterdog

    Help please!

    We can't post websites that sell corals here. If you want to e-mail me I can give you a list of other coral providers on the net. My e-mail is to the left by the way. As far as the film goes I am not 100% sure. I had something like that on my tank and, from others that I talk to, it happens on...
  6. waterdog

    It's called: post a pic.

    I've only taken a few, but here's my fav so far. And Ryan, is that a Poleni Grouper??? Lookes awesome!!!
  7. waterdog

    New addition Zoo

    I've done that before. All they get are the brown ones. they got a colony of orange and yellow once, but an employee grabbed it before I could buy it. Has anyone had any luck getting them over the net? How about fragging? I know Justin has some awesome zoos ;)
  8. waterdog

    ID please

    Kinda looks kinda like a cinarina. Some people call it a "modern coral" although I don't know why. That's the closest that I can come for an ID. HTH
  9. waterdog

    New addition Zoo

    Where in the world is everyone getting all these awesome zoos????? Let me in on your secret so I can drool over some of my own. My computer screen isn't as waterproof as my tank.
  10. waterdog

    what is this on my turbo snail

    It actually looks like some kind of SPS coral to me. I had one on one of my snails. Didn't have enough lights and the thing died, but it definitely had a calcarious skeleton. Touch it. Is it hard or soft and fuzzy?
  11. waterdog

    New Camera

    Here's a pic with my new Nikon 5700. It's of my Galaxia coral. Unfortunately it's a little late for the COTW thread. My tank it kinda "down" at the moment while I am setting up my new one so I can't take to many pics. Hopefully you like this.
  12. waterdog

    finally got a decent pic of my puffer

    Are you sure that's a dogface. Doesn't look like any that I have ever seen. The narrow lined puffer makes sense though.
  13. waterdog

    Testing picture upload

    The sump part looks great. The only problem that I am seeing is that the spray bar or return on the right will have a whole heckofa lot less pressure than the left side. If you could find a way to connect the return pump in the middle somewhere it would even things out. Of course it's not...
  14. waterdog

    100 Gal. reef system for sale

    Interested in the VHO ballast if it can hold 4 30" lights. Also interested in the zoos and at least one brain. Also the sump with skimmer. All depending on price. Please put me on your list. E-mail address is to the left.
  15. waterdog


    I have a 48" 75 gallon reef tank. eventually i want a clam and i want my coral to grow out of control. One word: Metal Halides Well, ok, two words, but you get my point. Don't dink around and waste your money "building up". Do it right the first time. Personally, for a 75, I would go with...
  16. waterdog

    Rolie Polie looking thing on my Live Rock

    Good call Bang Guy, but a chiton has 8 plates on it's back, not 7. Just thought I'd clarify :D
  17. waterdog

    mh help

    I am starting a 250W MH setup on my 37. Here is what you will need: BALLAST-several brands make them. IceCap is good as well as others but I can't remember the names. Remember the ballast has to be watt specific. BASES-for the bulbs. You need to decide whether you want the normal mogul based...
  18. waterdog

    ballast/bulb question??

    sorry, should have been more specific. This is for my 37, but the key is to make something that I can expand to a larger tank once I get out of school and have more time (and money). The dimensions of the 37 are 24.5" L X 18.5" W X 21.5" H. I have looked at the dual light ballasts and have also...
  19. waterdog

    ballast/bulb question??

    Not sure if the New hobbyist place is the right place to post this, but here it goes. Can the IceCap 660 run metal halides too?? I have heard that hit can run up to 4 VHOs or 4PCs but someone told me that it could run MHs too. I know that they are a great ballast but when looking to buy one...
  20. waterdog

    new look?

    I have no idea what you mean. I think it's just you.... :D Seriously though, I don't see a difference.