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  1. waterdog

    Late Night Emergency!!

    Thanks for the help RyeBread, hopefully this will teach me a lesson without making me REALLY pay for it. Thanks again and I will act on your advice. Keith
  2. waterdog

    Late Night Emergency!!

    Is the pH all that I have to worry about? What about the sediment all over the rocks? Is this fiasco really that easy to fix?
  3. waterdog

    Late Night Emergency!!

    I forgot, I also put some balance blocks in hang on skimmer and they have already dissolved. I feel like a retard!!:confused:
  4. waterdog

    Late Night Emergency!!

    I tested my calcium last week and it was super low 200-250!! I tried to use C-balance that week to bring it up, but now it is only 275. To fix this I did a water change today and the last 5 gallons I decided to mix 2 tablespoons of kalkwasser in with the saltwater and drip it into the tank...
  5. waterdog

    Is this Aptasia?

    Congratualtions on never having the scurge of the home aquarium. I wish all of us could be that lucky. Lucky for you it really doesn't look like aptaisa to me. At least not like any that I have seen. It other more experienced people on this board tell you that it is, then DO NOT scrape it...
  6. waterdog

    A Blast from the Past

    Fisrt Grade?? It would be three years until I was born!! Just to make you feel old :D But seriously. I have seen old aquarium books written a little after 1979 and they don't look nearly as good or as well planned as yours. Koodos Bang Guy, you were way ahead of your time! And even at your...
  7. waterdog

    Water Test Kits

    So suppose I then test all of those parameters and they are less than ideal. How can I fix it if my Mag is low, or my Alk is high, or my Phos is high? Is there a place/book where I can find this info because I realize that it is very dependent on a lot of things. thanks! Keith
  8. waterdog

    Water Test Kits

    Hmmm...So you guys are saying that I should probably go with Salifert? Ok, sounds good to me. Thanks a lot everyone, this place is the best!!
  9. waterdog

    BangGuy and RyeBrad

    Even with a Kodak you seem to get some great pics. that one of the Bangaii egg is absolutely amazing. Now if only RyeBread would reply...... Bump:p
  10. waterdog

    lost cause?

    Sorry lopeyc, still had another thread in my head. when you asked what you should be feeding I thought you meant what object in your tank. Sorry. I feed my corals frozen mysis shrimp or frozen plankton. At least for the LPS corals, like your blastmosa/brain. For something like a chili, if...
  11. waterdog

    lost cause?

    Eagle, spot feed the so-called brain and put him in good light. You may not want to pander to your corals, but if they are dying that is what they need if you ever want them back. I have "saved" many corals from my LFS that they insisted were already dead and they had thrown them in with the...
  12. waterdog

    Anemone Crab?

    Sorry about the silence eagle. The Porcelain crab and the anemone crab are the same thing, just called different things by different people. The name Anemone crab I think is more helpful because, like clowns, they always do better with an anemone or coral that has the same characteristics...
  13. waterdog

    lost cause?

    I don't know about the rest of you, but that first picture looks like a blastmosa to me, not a brain. But either way, I would hang in there. Try spot feeding it and giving it good light and it should come back, unless there is some kind of bacterial infections. I have had great luck with...
  14. waterdog

    BangGuy and RyeBrad

    Hey guys, what kind of camera do you shoot all those great pics with. I am sure I am not the only one who wants to know. Photography is one of my big hobbies but I have never been able to regularly take any satisfactory pics of my tank. Any help with that too?
  15. waterdog

    Water Test Kits

    What do all of you guys/gals :D use to test your water parameters? I bring my water to my LFS to have it tested but I am sure they will stop that considering how often I and others do it. So I should get a test kit and don't know which one to get. I see some of you posting very specific...
  16. waterdog

    Lights for Clams

    Thanks a lot SPS, That really helped me out. I am downsizing my 55 reef to a 37 show so I guess I shouldn't get any clams now. But for the future it is great to know. It really is an awesome thing to have so many experienced people here. I wish I had found this place when I started. It...
  17. waterdog

    dont know

    Open your pic in your editing program and use the resize function. In Microsoft Photo Editor it is under the Edit>Resize tab. From there you can choose to resize by measuring in pixels or inches. Make it the right size, save it, then post it. As simple as that. If you are working with...
  18. waterdog

    what is this??

    Looks like a cup coral to me. Is the base stoney with white, almost clear tentacles? I had one hitch a ride on a piece of my rock too. they are related to sun corals I am told.
  19. waterdog


    Oh, and welcome to the forum :D
  20. waterdog


    It's a protective coating that the corals produce, kinda like a fish's slime coat. In the real reefs there is a lot of sand and debris kicked up and this settles on the corals. This dust is both irritating to the coral's tissue and can block out the essential light that the corals need to...