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  1. almarktool

    Newbie looking for opinions

    Radar, Welcome to the board , feel free to fire away with questions I would first measure out a floor print of what size tank would fit where u are thinking, then i would decide on tank size relitive to space allocated, at which point i would post back here so we could further help u address...
  2. almarktool

    lighting help

    i have a 72 gall tank and use a 4 x 96 watt pc fixture that i used to rest right on top of the glass tops , now i use no glass tops i support it with 1/2" square plexiglass so it is about 2" from water
  3. almarktool

    ammonia results/test kits

    well u should try to take the fish back to the fish store u say there is LR right now u mean in the tank ? that is fine your bacteria / biological filter will build on that so yes keep / or put the LR in the tank
  4. almarktool

    180 new setup

    well u will get lots of diff opions so here is mine if u want to switch to SW ,first go buy a book called The Consiqensist Marine Aquarist by Robert Fenner , after you are done reading then clean tank up make up saltwater use a DSB ( deep sand bed live sand 4" deep ) and lots of LR...
  5. almarktool

    2 Tangs in 90 gal

    his input would be very good, the key is too hear him
  6. almarktool

    2 Tangs in 90 gal

    If i wanted to add 2 tangs i would do it a once that is what i am planning on doing with my 200 when i am ready, what size quaritine tank u got u should prob get a pretty good idea on how they are going to behave when they are in there before u put them in your main tank
  7. almarktool

    ammonia results/test kits

    also when did u start your tank 2 weeks ago ? or sometime before that, would help if we knew your set up filter set up LR and LS etc, Ps welcome to the board u will find lot's of great info and advice here
  8. almarktool

    ammonia results/test kits

    well with a 20 gal tank it looks like your amonia is on it's way up and u are about ready to start the cycle, i would not have put any fish in could have done the same with raw shrimp , not familar with the amonia alert gadget i would trust your test kit
  9. almarktool

    PH levels

    wouldn't let me vote said my session was invailed but mine is at 8.2
  10. almarktool

    test kits

    i use the Salifert test kit's after trying a few diff brands i liked these the best, u can actually get them right from SWF
  11. almarktool

    180 new setup

    Max, welcome to the board , congrats on your 180 setup, how about a little more info on your tank ,when did u setup/finish cycle, what type of filters, LR , LS , Skimmer, what is your ultimate goal what do u want to keep in the tank ? personally i used to run a u/v and now i don't i don't...
  12. almarktool

    Opinions on skimmer for 128 gal.

    i would use the etss 500 , i believe it is a better unit than the reef devil , that is what i use on my 72 gall with a mag 9.5 pump i also use a etss 800 on my 200 gall, richie rich, what pump u running with the 800 how do u have your return back to sump set up to reduce any bubbles perhaps...
  13. almarktool

    live rock getting holes in it

    i know for sure that triggers will eat away at the live rock, what do u have in the tank ?
  14. almarktool

    the best temp

    i was at 83 for a while then 82 just removed my tops and went topless so now i am at 79-80 i personally am happy with that since it leaves a little room for errors or problems in either direction
  15. almarktool

    anemone ID

    i was told this is a Long Tenticle Carpet Anemone, can anyone confirm this for me, also can anyone explain how my yellow tang and coral beauty keep going into the center of this anemone steeling food etc, and not get eaten ? Anemone Thanks
  16. almarktool


    i am trying to rember from when i set up my first tank but i can't (old age is kicking in ) am i right in saying that as time goes on and u build up a slime alge coating on the plumbing and tank walls the amount of tiny micro air bubbles in the tank will lessen ?
  17. almarktool

    cycle ?

    well it has been 2 weeks since i started Main tank with 250lbs of live rock and 10 days since i added 300lbs of live sand, does everyone agree that i am prob not going to see a cycle and it is safe to get my clowns and put them in quaritne tank so they can be added to the tank in 3-4 weeks
  18. almarktool

    My clownfish is dying... HELP!

    set heater at 79 leave air on
  19. almarktool

    My clownfish is dying... HELP!

    u could turn lights off other way to bring the temp down a little would be to get some ice cubes and put them in a plastic zip loc bag and let them float on the water surface
  20. almarktool

    Can you help me find this??

    well what have u found as far as being expensive i found some says .40 each give me a target price make it easier to help