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  1. demosthenes

    Cleanup Desires

    I would want more hermits for my system, but that's just me. Maybe make it 10 Hawaiian Zebras, instead of 5?
  2. demosthenes

    LR shipped dry?

    Yeah, sounds like expensive Base Rock. I can get it at $120 for 100lbs, as opposed to your LFS, where it's $800.:mad: Stuff like that makes me mad.
  3. demosthenes

    OT: To windows XP users

    Yeah, I hate XP also, and yet, I still continue to use it on all my computers. I'm thinking about going to Wal-Mart to buy a dirt cheap no-name computer with Lindows on it. It's a mix between Linux and Windows. It has all the perks of Linux, is completely customizable, but still works with...
  4. demosthenes

    LR shipped dry?

    It might be Base Rock? I know my LFS receives their base rock dry, but the other LR and such is kept damp with newspaper, like you stated this one wasn't. Sounds like you bought some expensive BR. :mad:
  5. demosthenes

    Moving rocks?

    Well, to fix the dead spots I would just add a few powerheads, the wouldn't even have to be very powerful, just directed right.
  6. demosthenes

    reef question about ro untis

    Not very far-fetched at all. If you use RO/DI water, and perform WEEKLY WCs, then you shouldn't need to add very much. Maybe some trace elements, like strontium or molybdenum, but usually if you have a quality salt mix, like Instant Ocean or Reef Crystals, the trace elements are already in it...
  7. demosthenes

    Moving rocks?

    Just as long as they rocks are not situated IN a DSB, then you should be fine to move them. It's actually encouraged if you have a subordinate fish that is being bullied. Just be careful not to disturb the sand as you move them, or you'll cloud the tank. If you have a CC bed, then you won't...
  8. demosthenes

    BIG mantis shrimp, check this sucker out!

    Thanks for the pic Sammy. What're those back appendages there, I think there're four of them?
  9. demosthenes

    Protein skimmer choice

    I would get the SeaClone, but would get the 150 if you can. They're both excellent, and IMO, the best bang for your buck. They outskim anything else on the market when compared with their cost. Sounds like a SeaClone ad, but hey, I like 'em.
  10. demosthenes

    Should I Light It?

    Okay, thanks for the input guys. So, what lighting do you think? I'm probably going to pick up a Coralife Smartlamp in the Classifieds, 2x65W. Sound good?
  11. demosthenes

    OT: AOL Error - Pretty Funny

    Man, this is funny. I'm sitting here, cruising the board, doing my thing, and when I hit SUBMIT for a reply, an AOL Error screen pops up. Here's what it says: AOL has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience. If you were in the middle of something, the...
  12. demosthenes

    making your own live rock?

    Originally posted by killafins hey, let's not ruin the facts with details, lol I like that one, so I'm stealing it.:cool: Hope you don't mind.
  13. demosthenes

    Lighting for sale/trade

    Can you post any pics of the SmartLites or point out a site with information and pictures about them? I want one of them, but I'm not sure if they'll work for my situation. I want to set them up over my fuge, but need to see them first. Thanks in advance.
  14. demosthenes

    Should I Light It?

    I just recently setup my new sumpfugium, and now I'm not sure which direction I'm headed for. Should I take advantage of the space and the DSB and use it for Denitrification and Nutrient Export, by lighting it and growing Caulerpa. Or, should I keep it in the dark, and allow filter-feeding...
  15. demosthenes

    Replacing the seaclone

    I would go with the Turbo Floater 1000. I want one so bad, but I'm completely broke, so I'm stuck with my good ole SeaClone.
  16. demosthenes

    Atinic lights. Are they just for reefs?

    Send them to me, I'm up in Muncie! Truly though, I would keep them if I were you. They simulate a more natural environment for your fish, though I believe most are color-blind? :rolleyes: But you may decide to get some mushrooms or polyps in the future, and then you would need them, and not...
  17. demosthenes

    Refuge Pics?

    Thanks everybody, they all look very nice. DvSKiN, I want your fuge! I thought about doing something along the same line, but I don't have any room. I have fuge envy! It looks really professional as well.
  18. demosthenes

    tank pics

    Step back and take a pic of the whole tank, please. I would love to see the whole thing. It looks amazing and you have some great specimens in there. Hope all goes well.:D
  19. demosthenes

    Should I paint it balck or white ? Again ...

    I would use a Polyeurathane-based paint like Thomas said, so that you can simply wipe off the spills, and as for the color, I would go with black. Black just seems to be more professional-looking. Be sure to post a picture, whichever way you decide to go.
  20. demosthenes

    Refuge Pics?

    I've seen a lot of drawings and such of different sump/refugium systems, but rarely seem to see an actual refugium. So, those of you out there with them, can you please post some pictures of your sumps and refugiums? Thanks in advance. Demo