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  1. demosthenes

    New Refugium & New Coral

    I just visited your website, it's great. That tank has really come a long way. The fuge looks really nice as well. PS The Turbinaria frag looks good too, but that goes w/o saying.
  2. demosthenes

    OT: Oscar's new home

    THAT COULD'VE BEEN USED FOR SW!!! No, really, it looks good. What type of Oscar? I know I've always been itching to set up a 125 with a family of the White Oscars. They're cool small, but get ugly as they age, so I decided against it. I see you're studying World Mythology as well? You know...
  3. demosthenes

    OT: AOL Error - Pretty Funny

    I can't get DSL in my area, nor can I get Broadband, brought to you by AOHell, for that matter. I'm thinking about getting that DirectWay thing, with the satellite. Download time is like zip, or so I've heard. ;)
  4. demosthenes

    nano reef questions

    No, but email me for a great reference site.
  5. demosthenes

    OT: AOL Error - Pretty Funny

    Yeah, thanks. Here's a link to my HomePage. It's got something like 54 of my favorite quotes on it. I think one or two from Sammy and one from Risc I think. Plus a couple more.
  6. demosthenes

    OT: Just realized I've been here a year now

    Speaking of Bristle Worms, did you see the 14" one for sale in the Classifieds? That thing is freaky looking, I think I'll buy it for you as a BB-Day present. Bring out the Krill!
  7. demosthenes

    Should I Light It?

    Thanks guys, I'm going with, I guess, 1 55W. Does this sound good? Hey, Indy1. I was just there today. I'm Diabetic, so I was at Riley's Children's Hospital for a check-up. I'm on a CGMS and H-Tron Plus, but they're too complicated to explain. Anyway, have you been to Premium Aquatics or...
  8. demosthenes

    OT: AOL Error - Pretty Funny

    Yeah, I know. It's horrible to use if you hack, errrr, like to have fun on the computer. I want to switch over to something else, but haven't found anything I like yet, at least not enough to make the change.
  9. demosthenes

    65 Watt Pc's On Glass Top, Or Higher Up?

    When I had striplights I had them set simply on top of the glass, because I coulnd't really mount them in the canopy, but I now have a full system on the way, and plan on mounting it. IMO, if the temp isn't affected by it, then it's all a matter of preference.
  10. demosthenes

    lbs of sand for 29 gallon??

    Hey, thanks. Hope you don't mind if I used it too. :rolleyes:
  11. demosthenes

    Aquarium Insurance

    Yeah, I think my tank is covered under the homeowner's insurance we have.
  12. demosthenes

    Live Sand Question

    Yeah, if you do decide to do it, be sure to get as far away from land as you can, and especially avoid any areas that has a lot of run-off leading into it.
  13. demosthenes

    OT: To windows XP users

    Yeah, this really did help a lot. Never know what you can discover by simply working your way through a system, in the off time from the tank that is.
  14. demosthenes

    OT: Just realized I've been here a year now

    You're a 1 Year Old BB Addict! Congratulations!:D Let's hope the tank has benefited from your presence here.
  15. demosthenes

    Michigan tank sale!

    Are you interested in selling off the LR/LS and inverts? If so, let me know. My email is
  16. demosthenes

    LR shipped dry?

    Yeah, do that, and if they deny it's BR, be sure to let them know they've lost your business.
  17. demosthenes

    Established Reef tank?

    Can't tell the species from that description, but it is a pod of some sort.
  18. demosthenes

    LiveRock Setup Question

    I stack mine closely, with a lot of small caves and overhangs. It is up against the back wall, and like a semi-circle, sort of like a lone reef head.
  19. demosthenes

    Established Reef tank?

    It will be established once you have gone 100yrs w/o any deaths. Think it can happen? Seriously though, I say a tank is established after about 18 mos. Most will say earlier, but IMO it's at least a year and a half. That gives significant time for a pod population to build up, as well as...
  20. demosthenes

    just sharing a picture of my tank

    I must say that tank is beautiful. I hope to have one that looks half as nice one day.