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  1. jerth6932

    fragging saftey

    Quote: Originally Posted by reefkprZ how dangerous can it be? quite. I have created threads in the past about palytoxins from palythoas and zoanthids, I dont think it can be emphasized enough how dangerous they are, but not only do we have to worry about those (gloves and glasses are a must)...
  2. jerth6932

    Clown is twitching?

    Sorry. Do you have two of them in the tank?
  3. jerth6932

    Another ER visit down.... HOW MANY MORE?

    She is going to go for some other opinions in BOISE, ID, next month. She has an issue with "silent" pancreatitus. Yucky stuff, her numbers were creeping up last night, but they wanted her to follow up with he primary Dr about it today....... But he is booked till next week. But her spirits were...
  4. jerth6932

    Pick Up truck loaded with 23 passengers crashes in Texas

    Quote: Originally Posted by reefraff LOL! So answer the question rather than deflecting and trying to change the subject. IT'S all he does.... Heck he's from texas... maybe he is an aspiring president???
  5. jerth6932

    Clown is twitching?

    Quote: Originally Posted by 10galclowns What does this mean?? Welcome to the site! It means that you should find a new place to hide the crack..... Seriously, it is a submissive behavior that they do to show they give. Normally you will witness the male doing it to the female (so smaller...
  6. jerth6932

    Movie theater shooting

    Quote: Originally Posted by bionicarm This coming from the guy who responds on a forum with a 2 in. font to try and make some point. Take any anger mangement classes lately? He was only "reclusive" the last couple of months. He was a model student at college, and friends and family remember...
  7. jerth6932

    Movie theater shooting

    Quote: Originally Posted by bionicarm There's a time and place where you stand you ground. Every situation I've cited - domestic violence, this incident where the 4 year old was shot, this carnage at the theatre,... every one of them would've occurred whether someone had a weapon on them or...
  8. jerth6932

    Movie theater shooting

    Quote: Originally Posted by bionicarm Are you an ex-military person with weapons experience? You have some states like Texas pushing legislation to allow college kids to conceal carry on campuses. Are you going to tell me some 22 year old girl whose only "training" was firing a few clips into...
  9. jerth6932

    Movie theater shooting

    Quote: Originally Posted by bionicarm Uh, anyone who owns a gun is capable of doing this. This kid didn't fit ANY profile of a serial killer or someone who had a history of violence or a criminal record. He's not cooperating with officials, and no one has a clue why he did this. Was it a...
  10. jerth6932

    Another ER visit down.... HOW MANY MORE?

    Well.... One guess where I am...... Man....... Long night ahead.... Yuck.....
  11. jerth6932

    30 Gallon SPS Reef Build

    My trates are always 10-20.... My sps kinda despise it but my lps r in trate heaven..... Closer to 0 I get my acans lose their puffiness.....
  12. jerth6932

    Problem with Hammer

    Make sure you try feeding it too. I know this is one of the best things I do when mine are struggleing.
  13. jerth6932

    Movie theater shooting

    Cold hard truth....... You CAN NOT take the guns away from the criminals, if you take them away, it will be from the law abiding citizens. Anyone want to dispute this?
  14. jerth6932

    Movie theater shooting

    Quote: Originally Posted by bionicarm Watch the news stories. See the faces, hear the life stories of the victims. Then go find one of their relatives and say "I'm deeply sorry for your loss. However, i want you to know that even if this individual didn't have access to all those weapons, he...
  15. jerth6932

    Movie theater shooting

    Quote: Originally Posted by bionicarm This incident is a gun issue because of the number and types of weapons he used, and the carnage he created in a matter of 2 or 3 minutes. Serial killers like you described did their "carnage" over months and years. Gun proponents have nothing to fear...
  16. jerth6932

    Movie theater shooting

    Quote: Originally Posted by bionicarm Based on gun proponents, you're a sitting duck anyway. No one wants to curtain yopur right to own guns. There just no logical reason for an average citizen to have in their possession a weapon that was designed strictly to kill, and for military use. You...
  17. jerth6932

    Movie theater shooting

    Quote: Originally Posted by bionicarm He didn't fire at the police because they didn't shoot at him. If a cop would've been inside that theatre at the time with weapon drawn, and he did shoot the guy, I guarantee you he would've been this kid's main focal point. Again, that's why he had that...
  18. jerth6932

    Movie theater shooting

    Quote: Originally Posted by bender77 Actually I have said things many times to people and movie attendants when I go to a movie at midnight and pay good money to have someones crying 4 yr old disturb the audience because they are bored and tired and have no business being at a midnight showing...
  19. jerth6932

    Movie theater shooting

    Quote: Originally Posted by Darthtang AW to create that you hav e to change over all society mindset. here..we open carry and conceal carry...but i would but only 5% of the population utililize this right. +1 I was speaking from an idealistic standpoint, but sad your statement is SO TRUE!
  20. jerth6932

    Movie theater shooting

    Quote: Originally Posted by Darthtang AW jerth, you clearly dont understand my point or my position. No, I do. You believe that one lone CWP wouldn't of done any good in this situation. You are right, in this situation as you have already stated. Where I approach this, is more of a Switzerland...