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  1. jerth6932

    Movie theater shooting

    I am a concealed weapons permit holder.... IF everyone in that theater was one too, what would the outcome have been with that? Take away guns from the people who use them right doesn't take them away from the criminals. I would venture to say less then 10 percent of all crimes are with legally...
  2. jerth6932

    Jerth6932's 90 Gallon

    ORA Spotcinctus (A. bicinctus) Home » Products » Fish » Clowns » Spotcinctus evious" href="" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; outline: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; color: rgb(255, 255...
  3. jerth6932

    Jerth6932's 90 Gallon

    Quote: Originally Posted by Mr. Limpid Your five year old is a natural, those great looking shots. Lol..... I have found my new photog.... But he is using my phone...... Kinda scared to buy him an SLR ........ Quote: Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33 Very nice THX Quote: Originally Posted by...
  4. jerth6932

    Power outage

    Quote: Originally Posted by orangeyj I am looking for something to help with the power outages in my area??? I live in NOVA and we have outages all the time, I have a genarater but I can not run it 24 7 . I need a battery pump to help with this problem any idea???? I have a 75 gallon tank with...
  5. jerth6932

    my aquaripure nitrate filter

    Vodka is one of the topics.... Sounds like a good aquarium topic...... Proceed
  6. jerth6932

    I think I found myself a new hobby.

    Quote: Originally Posted by leyth Thanks for the very informative post. I looked at some videos of the units you mentioned. I really like what I see, and of course you seem to be getting what you pay for. This issue just highlighted my other issue of deciding on a tank size. I love the tall...
  7. jerth6932

    What will a Powder Blue Coexsist with?

    Quote: Originally Posted by xraymama I have several 2 tanks with various tang fish. We are upgrading to much larger tank and wondering thoughts on if my powder blue will get along with a Naso, Yellow, Sailfin..? What is MUCH LARGER? You could have a 8 gallon now and are upgrading to a 24...
  8. jerth6932

    Jerth6932's 90 Gallon

    Fun Pix my 5 year old just took.... Sad.... He's better at it then me Some of my Acan's.... I need to get better at taking pix.....
  9. jerth6932

    So, New tank......

    I'm not worthy
  10. jerth6932

    Help hundreds of snails

    You got a picture of them?
  11. jerth6932

    Jerth6932's 90 Gallon

    Quote: Originally Posted by saltwaterkeeper Does it run itself or do you put things in it, like dosers? It runs its self after initially putting the CO2 and Media in it. I figure I will clean it out every 4 months and add more CO2/Media every 6 months. So it does run its self, for the most...
  12. jerth6932

    Jerth6932's 90 Gallon

    Quote: Originally Posted by Mr. Limpid That was the question I thought of last night. How does a CA reactor adds alkalinity and Magnesium since its a calcium reactor? So the media used or the combination of CO2 and media adds those elements? But you still need to test and add iodine? OK what it...
  13. jerth6932

    Jerth6932's 90 Gallon

    Feb. 11 2012 June 19, 2012 and Feb. 11, 2012 June 19, 2012 I don't see much difference from Feb??? lol
  14. jerth6932

    Jerth6932's 90 Gallon

    Quote: Originally Posted by saltwaterkeeper Wow. Do ca reactors really help reef tanks? LOL look at my Feb pictures compaired to my June pix..... ONLY CHANGE.... Calcium reactor! You tell me!
  15. jerth6932

    Starting over...what suggestions do you have?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Pjlovesbaskets Several years ago I lost my 125 gallon ( mostly fish but some coral) tank in an ice storm. 5 days without power. Because we were trying to sell our home and my equipment needed updated I never started over. We've moved and I am ready to start again...
  16. jerth6932

    Jerth6932's 90 Gallon

    Quote: Originally Posted by Mr. Limpid You took me wrong I wasn't knocking you for the purchase of the reactor I was questioning for knowledge. and you did a great job of informing of the savings. I'm all for saving $ since this hobby cost a lot. The main reason I do not have a large reef tank...
  17. jerth6932

    Jerth6932's 90 Gallon

    Quote: Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33 Lol. I like your breakdown of the cost. Good to know. I know the initial expense is pretty high but it would be better for me instead of doing the balling method and having to take a lot more of my time testing my water instead of enjoying mytank.
  18. jerth6932

    If not Obama, then WHO?
