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  1. jjgomillion

    Any cats caught in the act pics?

    How did that ork, behind your couch, with all of the tubes and pumps...?
  2. jjgomillion

    Salinity Question

    ok thanks!!! thats what I needed to know. I am seeing that my salinity is reading way off the closer i get to my that is probably the problem. I am going to move my heater closer to my pump so it can swirl the water around and disperse the heat more efficiently. Then I shall add...
  3. jjgomillion

    Any cats caught in the act pics?

    Nice setup! How long have you had your anemone? I have heard they dont last all that long. I would like to have a setup similar to what you have. How long have you had it up and running?
  4. jjgomillion

    Salinity Question

    I am using a Hydrometer to measure. My temp is 83 and my tank is 29G. It seems like i cannot get an accurate reading on my hydrometer. I test in one spot it is at .021 and in another it is .025 but if I swil the water around it'll test at .023 ish. What could be causing this? Probably my...
  5. jjgomillion

    Salinity Question

    If my salinity reading is .025 and I need it at .023 do I need to add water? or add salt? Thank you! (still learning :) )
  6. jjgomillion

    Any cats caught in the act pics?

    Banshee, your tank looks really cool!! What kind of lighting do you have? Can you post any close-ups? Thanks!!!
  7. jjgomillion

    Good reef fish

    ok, now i get it. That sucks!
  8. jjgomillion

    Good reef fish

    what is HLLE?
  9. jjgomillion

    Lighting upgrade question

    I would like to upgrade my lighting so that I can keep a wider variety of things like corals. What should I get? My tank has the original lighting on it. the bulb is 23 1/2" long and the fixture is apx 28 1/2" long. Can I just change to bulb? Or do I need to add a whole new fixture? I...
  10. jjgomillion

    My Shark Pics...

    Originally posted by splash1914 Saltfisher this was my old tank... I sold my house 3 months ago and the tank stayed... My sharks however went to Gaylord Palms, its an upscale hotel/convention center here in orlando.. Nice setup, I want something like that...
  11. jjgomillion

    The "DO NOT..." Advice List for Saltwater Aquarists

    DO NOT try setting up a sump with a rubbermaid container that barely fits under your stand, with siphon that takes more water to your sump than your pump can push back up. Especially if your hubby just spent $1000 on a new pergo floor and wasn't really thrilled about you spending $200 on LR...
  12. jjgomillion

    Clown Fish? Anemone?

    What is this about hosting? What does that meas. I know that the Clownfish generally hangs out on the anemone, but is that it? Also, what kinds are good together. Does the anemone need ANYTHING special (lights, food, etc...) And one other thing, will more than one clownfish host the same...
  13. jjgomillion


    Sorry for posting that twice!!!! :cool:
  14. jjgomillion


    Originally posted by NaCL-Man A decent protien skimmer (try to stay away from the SeaClones IMO). Why do you say this? I just started my tank. Originally I bought a Berlin Air-Lift 90 (VERY BAD SKIMMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) and I returned it. I then bought the Seaclone100 for my 29 gallon...
  15. jjgomillion


    Originally posted by NaCL-Man A decent protien skimmer (try to stay away from the SeaClones IMO). Ask Away Why do you say this? I just started my tank. Originally I bought a Berlin Air-Lift 90 (VERY BAD SKIMMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) and I returned it. I then bought the Seaclone100 for my 29...
  16. jjgomillion

    Super Live rock

    ok i will do that! thank you!!!!
  17. jjgomillion

    Super Live rock

    can you post a pic of the anemone you are talking about. the LR I bought sounds very similar. Lots of goodies. I am wondering if I have those anemones. So far I have seen 2. and something else that looks similar to a spider web(no its not :p ) POlease post a pic if you can so I...
  18. jjgomillion

    some advice please?

    When should I introduce a cleanup crew? I just started my tank about a week ago. No fish yet. Waiting for the cycle. I wishit would happen!!! Really want to add some fish and stuff! Also, what should I add as my CC? Ia lready have a few bristle workms and a purple colored snail that came off my...
  19. jjgomillion

    Cleanup Crew?

    thanks i am still new to this mb