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  1. 27mtaylor

    Check out this stand

    That is a great looking stand! I bet it took some time to build.
  2. 27mtaylor

    Curing LR

    Just wait till you get your live rock in and you start to notice other things growing. It's pretty neat. I can sit and look at the live rock and find something different on it everytime I look at it. I can litteraly stare at it for several minutes.:joy:
  3. 27mtaylor

    Coralife Super Skimmer Needle Wheel

    Originally Posted by Johnzo I have the 220 gallon model. When mine was breaking in I had to keep an eye on it but it is drilled and comes with a drain line for the collection it is on auto-pilot no problems and very quiet. What do you mean when you say it is drilled? And also what...
  4. 27mtaylor

    Coralife Super Skimmer Needle Wheel

    Has it ever overflowed the collection cup? I saw some reviews where people said it did.
  5. 27mtaylor

    Coralife Super Skimmer Needle Wheel

    What's everyone's take on this skimmer? I like the fact that it is a little more affordable than the others. I have read a few good reviews on it, but most people say it leaves bubbles in the water. Is there an easy way to fix that? Also are they noisy? Would this be a good skimmer to get...
  6. 27mtaylor

    where to get reflector material??

    I don't know how you would like it, but check out some aluminum flashing from home Depot.
  7. 27mtaylor

    Curing LR

    If it were me, I would scrub it down to remove all the dying or dead fleshy stuff. It will help it cure a lot quicker. You probably want to keep it dark while it cures so that algae doesn't start to grow. I just cured 45 lbs. of it. I didn't scrub it to start with because I wanted to save...
  8. 27mtaylor


    I'm not really a backpacker, but I like to camp and hike. Here is the view from the top of a trail my wife and I hiked in Hawaii. We were something like 2200 feet above sea level.
  9. 27mtaylor

    questions on new tank

    IMO Your tank will do fine without adding live rock. You already have livesand in there so your dead rock will eventually become live rock.
  10. 27mtaylor

    Ever made a Denitrator?

    How many feet of tubing did you wind up using? Also how long was your cylindar and did you use 3" or 4" PVC? ...sorry for all the questions.
  11. 27mtaylor

    In Tank Refugium

    I just got back from wal-mart. I looked at their hang on filters, but none of them had much room inside-behind the filter pad. I figure I would be better off using something like the skilter that has more room for the chaeto. I currently run a skilter 250 (modified with an airstone) and it...
  12. 27mtaylor

    Need vho lighting assistance please.

    No. You have to have the ballasts to fire the bulbs.
  13. 27mtaylor

    sand dollars?

    Not to change the subject, but a quick question about sand dollars. While swimming in the Gulf, I will find them with my feet and when I pull them up and look at them, they leave a yellow ink like substance on my hand. Is that a defense mechanism or something and would that be toxic to your tank?
  14. 27mtaylor

    UV sterilizer

    IMO if you are using it for ich fighting purposes, you can shut it down after about 6 weeks of use(a little more than the life cycle of ich). Unless you get new additions for you tank, then you would want to run it for another 6 weeks.
  15. 27mtaylor

    In Tank Refugium

    Originally Posted by uberlink It's a Skilter 250. I think it's about 8.5 inches wide and 4.5 inches from the back of the tank. Maybe 8-10 inches deep. I have it stuffed full of chaeto, and I just continue to run the standard Skilter filter cartridges. That provides extra filtration and holds the...
  16. 27mtaylor

    Ever made a Denitrator?

    That's a good idea too. I will have to remember that. Did you use a black tubing to keep the algae growth down?
  17. 27mtaylor

    Ever made a Denitrator?

    Thanks, I would love to know how it works out for you. I'm very tempted to go out tomorrow and get the supplies to make one.
  18. 27mtaylor

    Ever made a Denitrator?

    Has anyone ever made a DIY denitrator? I have seen some plans for them on the net, but I'm curious to know if they will really work. Any thoughts?
  19. 27mtaylor

    Vho bulb combo

    I use the URI brand also. I have one 10,000K bulb and one actinic bulb in my set up. It gives off a little blue effect.
  20. 27mtaylor

    Need vho lighting assistance please.

    I bought a Hamilton VHO retrofit kit from another website and it had everything I needed to start (except bulbs) It had the reflector and endcaps mounted together with a wire running off of it. The wire smiply snapped into a harness that came off the ballast, which I mounted in my tank stand.