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  1. krista921

    for those who have daughters

    youll never be able to protect your daughters from the guys youre scared are just like you. she'll get her heart broken over and over its life
  2. krista921

    for those who have daughters

    its a great way to make your daughter hate you:) very funny as a joke tho
  3. krista921

    Get off your comp and look at the moon!

    tooo cloudy :(*:(:(
  4. krista921

    Holy Schmoly!

    i was gonna say id have to kill her but you bet me to it
  5. krista921

    yet another stocking question

    hippos are big swimmers so 75s prolly the smallest you can keep it in i would honestly only pick one or MAYBE two of those fish you mentioned
  6. krista921

    Coral Keepers 2 gallon shrimp and snail farm diary.

    hey are you gonna have little pond snails actually any baby snials at all would work. i have a puffer n they eat snails. i was thinkin we could work somethin out?
  7. krista921

    WNY Frags

    the reef shoppe is right buy caribean forest like 5 minutes lol and then out in spencerport is marine oasis
  8. krista921

    Young people on the forums

    I woke up and found my mom had turned my alarm off. Its ok my senior project was due today ahah:) 17 as well
  9. krista921

    New 180 Pic

    i dont know man you gotta lotta room around the edges looks like its time for an UPGRADE!!!!!!! :):):)
  10. krista921

    4 gal nano

    i just gave my cbs to a friend with a larger tank but i like yours with out fish. i love your tank and your corals are real nice:)
  11. krista921


    i have two fish in my 5.5 but no one on this site would recomend it everything else looks fine
  12. krista921

    JuiCE_1080's 5.5 Gallon Reef Diary

    Originally Posted by juice_1080 Sorry it sounded like you were yea sorry its kinda hard to be sarcastic on message boards even more so when everyone knows youre young and assumes youre a moron ahahah:) but im still lovin the tank, specially the aquascappin
  13. krista921

    Thinking of a new tank...Lagoon style?????

    yay you got your clowns i love this tank
  14. krista921

    Leather Finger ??

    im pretty sure its normal. mine does the same thing. its like sleeping? and then it sheds. and is bigger?? some one else can verify cause im not sure
  15. krista921

    bubble coral update yezzzz

    days after i got it twelve days after i got it almost a month after i got it :)
  16. krista921

    JuiCE_1080's 5.5 Gallon Reef Diary

    Originally Posted by juice_1080 I wasn't serious....n i wasnt serious either...
  17. krista921


    you mean salt? everythings good in the 5.5 i jsut saw 35 watt [hr] in halides would these be good for over the tank or no..?
  18. krista921


    any idea if 40 watts of t-5 20 daylight 20 atinic would be enough to keep most everything but sps in my 5.5 i want led moon lights too
  19. krista921


    but if they dont jump in there when they jump theyll die! :(