Originally Posted by Tang Master
ive heard or success storys keeping dwarfts in 3g picotopes, so you should be fine size wise. as for the pistol, i cant help. sorry
Define success story.
When my 30 was a horse tank I had about 15 nerites, 30 cerith, 20 astrea, 20 nass. They all became octopus food. I prefer nerites simply because they can right themselves if they flip over but they live in tidal zones so they occasionally wander out of the tank. Remember that your hermits...
I'd go with a serpent star, won't bother corals or fish, pretty hardy as far as stars go. Only drawback is they pretty much stay in/under the rockwork. Mine does come out during the dinner rush, albeit quite briefly.
I would definitely scratch off the powder blue. They need large(at least 6ft) tanks/high flow and will be VERY aggressive in smaller tanks. If your dead set on a tang I'd recommend a Kole. Rest of the list sounds fine to me but I would wait for the tank to mature before adding the butterflies...
It's fine to do in the tank. There are probably more, keep searching and killing as you find them. I go on an aiptasia hunt every Sunday and always find new little ones zap. I prefer Joes Juice myself. Only need be careful if using near a good anemone such as a sebae, gbta.....
aiptasia,pest anemone,- kill it. joes juice, kalk, lemon juice, or boiling water -- injected into its mouth. They spread like wildfire if not killed quickly.
Originally Posted by RBRANDT71
He was the only tang in tank.Then I added a purple tang and a sailfin tang.Thats when the trouble started.I called lfs they said to add another tang purchased a scopa.It did not calm him down then added a larger yellow tang thats when he started attacking every...
I've had a bluejaw and a picasso. The bluejaw was a model tankmate. The picasso was more inquisitive rather than aggressive until it reached about four inches and then it just snapped. Overnight it turned into the terror of the tank. It bullied everything including my hand until it jumped...
Pretty sure my radiatta or volitan just stung my lunar wrasse. The wrasse has a white hole between its eye and mouth with a bit of tissue exposed and the whole left side of the face is incredibly swollen. It was swimming in circles before it vanished into the rock. It's in a 150 with about...