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  1. salty blues

    What Happened?

    Yet, according to some polls the messianic one's popularity remains high. I guess some folks truly don't care about substance.
  2. salty blues

    Obama now "open" to taxing health insurance benefits

    Join the Tea Party!
  3. salty blues

    More liberal do as I say, not as I do

    Originally Posted by Rslinger the womens right to choice . afforable health care for all. affordable education. somebody to watch over these companys that have gotten to big to fail. equall rights for women and minoritys. .....and hopefully free spelling lessons.
  4. salty blues

    Do you think Americans have lost their way?

    Originally Posted by makoshrk2 Politics and religion are both just smoke and mirrors. And I don't believe in either one. Religion is for week people that need to believe in something. It gives people hope, and without hope religious people have nothing. Not to mention that almost every war has...
  5. salty blues

    2009 Hurricane Season Thread

    Whenever and wherever they hit, George W Bush can't be blamed anymore. Of course though, some will continue to blame Bush for everything, no matter what.
  6. salty blues

    Do you think Americans have lost their way?

    Glen Beck has it right. The problem is that God, or the idea of a God has been systematically removed from the foundations of our country. We do not get our rights and freedoms from government. We get them from our creator. If God is then removed, then so will our rights and freedoms likewise be...
  7. salty blues

    Yet another reason to ban assault weapons

    Originally Posted by Culp i guess they do like people like me. but where i live we vary ever have any problem with crime. the most worst thing to happen around here is for some one to break into your car at night if you park on the sheet. Why would you park your car on a sheet?
  8. salty blues

    Obama to reverse the ban on U.S. Funded Stem Cell Research

    Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici I think Obama is planning on cloning himself so he can run again as Barry Obama and really drive the nail into the coffin. Dude, you are really scaring me.
  9. salty blues

    Yet another reason to ban assault weapons

    Originally Posted by Culp and just for the record i am not a gun owner nor do i plan on being one. I really would not advertise this, as criminals just love folks like you.
  10. salty blues

    Yet another reason to ban assault weapons

    Originally Posted by jp30338 Right, we all know how nuts and crooks pay attention to laws.
  11. salty blues

    when does life begin?

    Originally Posted by reefraff For all you pro lifers out there Do you want to see P. Hiltn raising kids? I think the gene pool is polluted enough I think Abortion at any stage ends a life. So does war and the death penalty. I think there are some situations where it is acceptable but for the...
  12. salty blues

    Obama to reverse the ban on U.S. Funded Stem Cell Research

    This issue is fairly simple. The reason so much is being made of embryonic stem cell "research" vs. adult stem cells is so that the pro-death crowd( Obama, Pelosi & their ilk)can keep yet another reason for abortion "rights" to remain as they are. As has been noted, there has been far more...
  13. salty blues

    when does life begin?

    Of course life begins at conception. There is no other logical answer. And as far as viability issues, a full term healthy baby cannot survive on it's own. And I would just love for someone to explain to me how in the world life could possibly begin at some point after conception. Is it 2 weeks...
  14. salty blues

    when does life begin?

    Originally Posted by jp30338 The planet is getting more and over crowded as it is.. Would you volunteer to leave life? I didn't think so.
  15. salty blues

    Obama to reverse the ban on U.S. Funded Stem Cell Research

    Originally Posted by Johnbob Well its about time. Don't you think taxpayer dollars could be better spent on something other than killing innocent human life?
  16. salty blues

    Can I change my substrate out at once?

    Originally Posted by lil.guppy So I worked on my CC again tonight removing some from the back corners and moving a couple rocks. I wont be able to do the whole thing until I move. I bought a small bag of the fine white sand and I really like it When I move my tank can I fill it up with all new...
  17. salty blues

    what are you thankful for

    That I can get out of bed in the morning and tie my shoelaces.
  18. salty blues

    A government that is big enough to give you everything you want

    Originally Posted by ruaround what exactly have we gotten... i know i havent gotten jack schmidt from the government... Is Mr. Schmidt any relation to Chuck Farley?
  19. salty blues

    Iran to develop NUCLEAR WARHEAD by the beginning of 2010!

    Originally Posted by 1journeyman President Obama will ask VP Biden what to do... That's a good 'un journey!
  20. salty blues

    Iran to develop NUCLEAR WARHEAD by the beginning of 2010!

    Originally Posted by jp30338 Of course Israel will attack as a front for the U.S. in order to not tarnish our squeaky clean reputation in the middle east. Surely you jest. The US willed be blamed anyway if and when Israel attacks Iran.