Search results

  1. mini-reefer

    Ligthing in a 72 Gallon Bow front

    Heres a pic of mine. You can only see one side, but you get the idea. Im working on adding an icecap 430 with two VHO's to replace the 55 watt actinic PC's. Im working on a hanging fixture to go over the canopy so it will be easier to access the tank though. Your right about limitations with the...
  2. mini-reefer

    flow for 72 gal

    In my 72 Bow I have 4 Maxi-jet 1200's running on a Red Sea Wavemaster Pro, plus a Mag 9.5 split into two outlets for the return. All in all about 1700 GPH give or take with head pressure. There is plenty of movement so the sand bed and rocks stay clear of algea and debris. The corals move around...
  3. mini-reefer

    155gl Bow Front For Sale In NJ

    I wish you were closer RANE, seems like a good deal to me.
  4. mini-reefer

    Caulerpa for sale, enough interest to bother?

    Sorry for the slow reply. I havent had much chance to get on here lately. Well as far a putting this stuff in the actual aquarium I would have to say no. It grows very dense and would take over everything after a while. For feeding I guess it depends. My Purple Tang and Yellow Tang wont touch...
  5. mini-reefer

    Caulerpa for sale, enough interest to bother?

    you da man Sammy!:D
  6. mini-reefer

    Caulerpa for sale, enough interest to bother?

    OK, if anyone else is still intersted the shipping costs are ranging from $5.50 to $7.15 for shipping. The bags are 1 quart, 7"X8". They are weighing about 2 LBS 1 OZ. This is for an overflowing handful of caulerpa and the bags are very full with little water in comparison. If your interested...
  7. mini-reefer

    Caulerpa for sale, enough interest to bother?

    one more pic for a close up of the grape.
  8. mini-reefer

    Caulerpa for sale, enough interest to bother?

    Well between the two responses here and the emails I got I take it there is a little interest at least. I checked on shipping and its gonna vary from one location to another. So tomorrow Im gonna take a bag stuffed with the caulerpa and water and check out the weight, then Ill post back and see...
  9. mini-reefer

    Caulerpa for sale, enough interest to bother?

    My refugium has finally started to take off. Im looking to harvest the grape caulerpa (Caulerpa racemosa?) again soon. It seems to be taking about three weeks to completely fill my 30 gallon 'fuge now that its established. The last time I did it I got about three quarter of a salt bucket worth...
  10. mini-reefer

    Kansas Reefers Are You Out There?

    I could always use some more for future projects as well. Id be willing to travel to Topeka or KC to pick it up if the cost isnt inflated too much. Maybe a pallet would go fast between all of us.:)
  11. mini-reefer

    pH issues...ARGHH!

    Wow Broomer, do you ever run out of useful information? I think not! Well the new battery worked wonders. The Pinpoint doesnt bounce at all now(note to self: dont use used batteries in a meter). I calibrated it again this evening and it seems to be very accurate. I put it back in the sump and...
  12. mini-reefer

    OT: getting to know the people behind the posts

    You guys are great with the picture "enhancements". The problem is that there are entirely to many guys and not enough chicks. Lets see some more of you! To change topic again, anyone play Medal of Honor Allied Assault online? The game is awesome IMO for a first person shooter and its free after...
  13. mini-reefer

    colt frag

    oops sorry PA. It seems we posted at the same time.
  14. mini-reefer

    colt frag

    Rubberband it to a rock until it attaches, then remove the rubberband. I have never propogated a colt myself but have a few reef buddies who do it all the time.
  15. mini-reefer

    pH issues...ARGHH!

    Well, before I say anything else about pH I need to double check my calibration on the Pinpoint. I know I got it right when I first did it. Tonight the meter is showing the low battery sign and it wont stay still while trying to recalibrate it. Its bouncing around A LOT. So tomorrow Ill grab a...
  16. mini-reefer

    pH issues...ARGHH!

    I have some questions on pH, alk and such(Please dont yell Broomer, Ive religiously read all your posts!). It all started when I got my new Pinpoint pH monitor. I calibrated it with no problems. I stick it in the sump for the first time 11 days ago. It read 7.9!:eek: I USE TO rely on a Technika...
  17. mini-reefer

    Southdown Sand as a Substitute?

    I would have to vote FOR the southdown. I have three tanks set up with the stuff. Two are with DSB's and one is only an inch deep with no other sand or substrate. I agree with the initial clouding, but after some time none of my tanks have been cloudy unless a certain Wrasse of mine is stiring...
  18. mini-reefer

    Weekend six pack!

  19. mini-reefer

    Weekend six pack!
