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  1. mini-reefer

    green star polyps

    Mine took about two days after getting them to fully open up. They seem to like moderate light and moderate current. Dont put a powerhead on them directly, but good movement around them is needed. HTH
  2. mini-reefer


    There is 100 lbs that was shipped from Fiji that I cured in the tank. Then there is is about 20-30 lbs I moved from a previous 34 gallon reef. All in all, Id say 125 lbs to be safe. I think its nice and full. :)
  3. mini-reefer


    No problem. Let us know how it works out.
  4. mini-reefer

    Hey DINHOUSE or other Kansas reefers

    Im curious if you might be up for trading some frags. Ive got lots of softies and one SPS right now. Your profile doesnt say where in Kansas your from, so I thought Id see if your close to me or not. Im in Wichita so if your interested let me know. Any other Kansas reefers out there up for...
  5. mini-reefer


    Im assuming the light sits on top of the aquarium frame here(the full length of the tank). If thats the case, I would personally use a few wood blocks to raise the light up into the canopy. Just as simple as cutting a couple 5"X4" blocks 1/2" or 3/4" thick nailed or screwed inside the canopy...
  6. mini-reefer

    Yeah or Neah

    I personally have got some killer deals on ----. As a matter of fact I got my: Red Sea Berlin Classic turbo skimmer Red Sea Wavemaster Pro 3 Mp1200 Maxi-jets Metal Halide lighting 100 lbs Live Fiji rock all off ----. Just be patient and bid like ya want it! :D
  7. mini-reefer


    What exactly do you have on top of your tank? A canopy, the JBJ strip, anything else?
  8. mini-reefer


    Evaporation is what helps drop the temp. Im losing about 1.5 gallons a day due to evaporation. I personally believe that adding the RO/DI freshwater daily due to evaporation is good for the tank. My tank has an open top as well along with a 7" fan blowing over the halides and water surface and...
  9. mini-reefer

    5 Related Questions

    I agree with using the metal halide. One ballast, one bulb (10000k or 12000K) and a spider reflector would be amazing over a 20 gallon. Then you could mount 2-40 or 75 watt actinics and the halide in the one reflector. The only catch to that is you would need lamp clips to hold the NO or VHO...
  10. mini-reefer

    New pic's, take a look...

    Wow Beth. If my tank looks just like yours, Ill take that as a heck-of-a compliment! The Yellow Tang is great, hes the camera hog! Ive had him and the Purple Tang around 1 1/2 years. They make a grear pair for lots of movement and color in the tank. The canopy is an Oceanic that I bought with...
  11. mini-reefer

    New pic's, take a look...

    I ran every test I have just a little bit ago, heres the results if interested: Salinity=1.025 Temp=80* pH=8.4 Alk=3.6+ meq/l Ammon=0 Trites=0 Trates=<5 :) Calcium=450-500(hard to tell) Phosphates=.2-.4 :( I dont like trying to match-up colors. It seems to be a very vague result, not to...
  12. mini-reefer

    New pic's, take a look...

    Salinty=1.025, temp=81*, pH=8.3, ammon=0, trites=0, trates=<10. Im testing the phosphates, alk and calcium today. The tank is still fairly new. Ive been trying to get the calcium up since the cycle ended using Kent liquid calcium and dosing with Kent Kalkwasser. Thanks for the praise. NM reef...
  13. mini-reefer

    New pic's, take a look...

    I've been really working on this project for 5-6 months. I started collecting good components one-by-one. I finally started it March 31st and once the cycle was over, I steadily added fish and corals. I think I finally have a few pics to be proud of after all the time, effort, and money that has...
  14. mini-reefer

    Dosing Kalkwasser

    After I posted the question I decided to stay up and monitor the pH while dosing(tank lights were off of course and refugium light was on). I checked it about every thirty minutes the entire time the kalk was dripping(about a drop per second). It never went above 8.3. I was kinda surprised...
  15. mini-reefer

    Dosing Kalkwasser

    Ive been dosing my other tanks for a couple years so its not new to me, however Ive never had a refugium on a tank with a reverse lighting cycle until now. My question is about the pH. Should the refugium light be turned off on the nights that a dose the tank? If I dont turn it off, do I take a...
  16. mini-reefer

    Durso Standpipe Experience

    I did it on my 72 Oceanic bowfront. My built-in overflow was able to hold the 1 1/4" pipe with the street-L and the 3/4 inch return. As far as my experiences go, its great. Its quite, fool proof in a power outage and easily adjustable. I drilled a hole in the top cap and installed an airline...
  17. mini-reefer

    LT Plate -vs- Finger Leather

    My plate has grown very quickly the last few weeks. When its completly expanded it covers more than three times the area of its own skeleton now. Its caught me off gaurd because I wasnt expecting it to get so big. There is a medium-large finger leather attached very well to a bottom piece of...
  18. mini-reefer

    ZOO Med Power Sweeper

    I agree, you have to clean them very often. I've been using my 228 for about 5 months. It stops after a couple of weeks so I just remove the bottom and clean all the inner workings and it will be fine again for a couple of weeks. Its too bad they dont continue to work, because the idea and...
  19. mini-reefer

    Plate coral update...

    Awhile back I asked if a Long Tenticle Plate coral will host my pair of saddleback clowns. There were mixed opinions for the most part. I have had it for around 5-6 weeks now. Well, the female tried to go into it for about a week, but it looked like she was getting stung the way she took off...