Wow Beth. If my tank looks just like yours, Ill take that as a heck-of-a compliment! The Yellow Tang is great, hes the camera hog! Ive had him and the Purple Tang around 1 1/2 years. They make a grear pair for lots of movement and color in the tank.
The canopy is an Oceanic that I bought with the tank and stand. Its a perfect fit and there is plenty of room for 3 spider reflectors for the two halides and soon to be two 96 watt power compacts.
As for the rest of the fish in the tank, Ive got: 1 Flame Angel(my newest addition), 1 Bangaii Cardinal, 1 Royal Gramma, 2-Black Percula Clowns(not sure if they are true saddlebacks). They all are doing well. They have great color and are growing noticibly. Especially the clowns. I got them a year or so ago and at that time they were the size of my thumb nail! Very cute indeed!
The corals I have are: 1 Green Slimer SPS, 1 Long Tenticle Plate LPS, 1 cabbage leather, 1 new cabbage off the main colony, 1 Finger Leather, 1 unknown Leather(Sinularia?), 1 HUGE colony of Green Star Polyps, Zoanthid Polyps, Brown Button Polyps, Blue-pimpled red Mushrooms, Green Strip Mushrooms, and a mixture of Mushrooms and Polyps that are coming up everywhere. Future plans are for 3 or 4 more Acroporas, a Brain and hopefully a Blue Maxima Clam.
Right now I only have a Peppermint Shrimp and a Porcelain Crab for the clean-up crew. I ordered 100 Nassarius Snails that should arrive any day. I dont plan on any hermits, blue or red legs. Just a few more different shrimp and maybe an Emerald.