New pic's, take a look...


I've been really working on this project for 5-6 months. I started collecting good components one-by-one. I finally started it March 31st and once the cycle was over, I steadily added fish and corals. I think I finally have a few pics to be proud of after all the time, effort, and money that has been put into this. Let me know what you think. I hope the link works out?!
<a href="" target="_blank">Go to the new pics folder</a>


Wow I am jealous. We started the same time and yours looks way better. One day I'll be able to post pics too.

nm reef

Active Member
Very nice is progressing very well. Keep up the good work...and thanks for the peek!!! I like that leather on the last pic....I had the same type/ is now 3 seperate corals in my system and 3 additional frags are scattered about in other reefs!Very nice size on the one you have!!! :cool:


Salinty=1.025, temp=81*, pH=8.3, ammon=0, trites=0, trates=<10. Im testing the phosphates, alk and calcium today. The tank is still fairly new. Ive been trying to get the calcium up since the cycle ended using Kent liquid calcium and dosing with Kent Kalkwasser.
Thanks for the praise. NM reef, the cabbage is great, I think thats the one your talking about anyway. Its got one piece loose now and one that seperated a month ago. Its doubled in size since its been in the new tank. :)


I ran every test I have just a little bit ago, heres the results if interested:
Alk=3.6+ meq/l
Trates=<5 :)
Calcium=450-500(hard to tell)
Phosphates=.2-.4 :(
I dont like trying to match-up colors. It seems to be a very vague result, not to mention my wife says Im color blind. :) . The phosphates are coming from dosing Kalkwasser I believe. I never stop the doser before the parcipitate at the top of the Kalk mix is introduced since I dose at night. Ive read that the Kalk will precipitate phosphates to the top after settling.
On another note, my 96 watt 10000K cracked this morning! I have NO IDEA what happened, it had only been on for 15 minutes with no unusual signs at all. I guess Ill be ordering another bulb along with another 96 watt retro for the actinics. :( Its always something!


Staff member
Your tank looks exactly like mine! Right down to the maxie jets! LOL
Where did you find a canopy for the bowfront? How is that yellow tang doing in your tank? How long have you had him?


New Member
thtas excellent work for just a few months im impressed . thos etangs look happy. I 'de like to no what else you have in there so keep in touch because its a great tank. :)


Wow Beth. If my tank looks just like yours, Ill take that as a heck-of-a compliment! The Yellow Tang is great, hes the camera hog! Ive had him and the Purple Tang around 1 1/2 years. They make a grear pair for lots of movement and color in the tank.
The canopy is an Oceanic that I bought with the tank and stand. Its a perfect fit and there is plenty of room for 3 spider reflectors for the two halides and soon to be two 96 watt power compacts.
As for the rest of the fish in the tank, Ive got: 1 Flame Angel(my newest addition), 1 Bangaii Cardinal, 1 Royal Gramma, 2-Black Percula Clowns(not sure if they are true saddlebacks). They all are doing well. They have great color and are growing noticibly. Especially the clowns. I got them a year or so ago and at that time they were the size of my thumb nail! Very cute indeed!
The corals I have are: 1 Green Slimer SPS, 1 Long Tenticle Plate LPS, 1 cabbage leather, 1 new cabbage off the main colony, 1 Finger Leather, 1 unknown Leather(Sinularia?), 1 HUGE colony of Green Star Polyps, Zoanthid Polyps, Brown Button Polyps, Blue-pimpled red Mushrooms, Green Strip Mushrooms, and a mixture of Mushrooms and Polyps that are coming up everywhere. Future plans are for 3 or 4 more Acroporas, a Brain and hopefully a Blue Maxima Clam.
Right now I only have a Peppermint Shrimp and a Porcelain Crab for the clean-up crew. I ordered 100 Nassarius Snails that should arrive any day. I dont plan on any hermits, blue or red legs. Just a few more different shrimp and maybe an Emerald.