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  1. clownfish1452


    That is very pretty purple anenome. What kind of clown will host it. Sarah :)
  2. clownfish1452

    Had to share!

    Mine stays hidden for most of the day. But will come out when it is time to eat. Then go hide again. Sarah :)
  3. clownfish1452

    Sexy Shrimp

    I thought I read some where that they only eat star fish. But I could be very wrong, just thought I should bring up the point. Sarah :)
  4. clownfish1452

    New U-Build it!

    I have bought a couple of u-build its from and they are great. I only bought things like crabs, snails, serpent stars other little things like that. But everything is always so alive and healthy. And they have great live rock too. Sarah :)
  5. clownfish1452

    From the Ocean, to your Aquarium:

    This the same subject I was thinking of doing my research paper on for English. But I don't know if I can it is too sad. Sarah:)
  6. clownfish1452

    What to do with no power? tornado got me

    I bought a battery powered air pump for real emergencies. I got it at my lfs but if you get in a real trouble you can always blow in the water with a straw. Sarah:)
  7. clownfish1452

    What is your favorite tang?

    Sailfin is my favorite that I have, but I have always wanted a Hippo. Sarah :)
  8. clownfish1452

    Anyone have any experience with Chocolate Chip Star Fish

    Very easy to take of they really take care of themselves. They will go to the top of the tank and take floating food. Sarah :)
  9. clownfish1452

    Ot: Sarah :)
  10. clownfish1452

    Clownfish Trouble - need advice quick!

    I only had a fluval and I was also having problems with my fish breathing hard. So I had to put air into the tank. Because the fish were not getting enough air. Sarah :)
  11. clownfish1452

    favorite fish

    Only this one time that I ever saw. I dont think she has ever puff before it was the only picture I could find. And the bubble tip I think when the picture was taken it was four months. Sarah :)
  12. clownfish1452

    Chocolate Chip Starfish

    I have two chocolate chip stars. And they eat almost everyday only because they will go to the top of the tank and bend side ways and grab the krill I put in for my puffer and they love the seaweed I put in for the tang and damsel. They will grab what ever food they can grab. I had then for...
  13. clownfish1452

    favorite fish

  14. clownfish1452

    favorite fish

  15. clownfish1452

    favorite fish

    I can make up my mind. So I will post a couple of them. 1. porky puffer 2. sailfin tang 3. marron clown But I really love of my fish.
  16. clownfish1452

    jealious wife!

    When my boyfriend calls the first thing he says is "are you busy with the fish tanks" or "What are you doing in your fish tanks now" Can you believe it he will not let me have a tank at his apartment. Sarah:)
  17. clownfish1452


    This something at was just growing in my sand and just never stop and still is growing. Is this also aptasia? Sarah :) PS: It is now in my tank I have no red slime.
  18. clownfish1452

    how many use a fluval

    I have 5 fluvals. I believe they are called bio beads. They work pretty good with salt. But they do need to be cleaned out quite a bit. Sarah :)
  19. clownfish1452

    Porcupine Puffer ???

    My puffer sleeps all day. Except when there is food. But is very active at night. I have read that they are nocturnal. Sarah :)
  20. clownfish1452

    One of my clown fish isn't eating?

    Try freeze dried plankton I have never seen a fish turn there head to it. Sarah :)