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  1. clownfish1452

    Looking for a tool solution......

    My Mom had fresh water tanks and she bought this scarper thing. It was on a long like plastic stick thing on side it had removeable razor blades and on the other side it had what kind of looked like a fork it was for planting plants. She got it a the lfs so many that can help you out. Sarah :)
  2. clownfish1452

    Pictures, Pictures, Pictures, Pictures

    I also really like what you call a pate. It is very pretty I have never seen one of them before. Your whole tank is very nice. Sarah :)
  3. clownfish1452

    shell help

    I have gotten alot of shells from the ocean and from stores and put them in my tank. I just make sure they are clean. I have had the same tank up and running for almost two years with no problems. Sarah:)
  4. clownfish1452


    Thank You for your responses I am in the process of doing alot of research. I am trying to ask all of the questions I would to ask. I am not planning to start the tank intill later December. So that gives me alot of time to read. Thank You Sarah :)
  5. clownfish1452

    eels anyone?

    I have two snowflake eels and they are so much fun to watch and they are easy to care for they like to hand fed but I feed them with a graber type thing. And they seem to be growing very fast I would say the biggest tank you can get is the best. I have a 125 gal and they are growing out of it...
  6. clownfish1452

    Help I'm a pre- schooler

    I would just like to add something about the raw shimp. It has worked very well for me in the past and still does. But I would like to tell that it can be messy so if you have fresh fish you probly know what the baby bags are that you put around the filter and other places you do not want the...
  7. clownfish1452


    I would really like to try keeping sea horses. I have a couple other salt tanks for about one and half years I have had them running smoothly. I just wanted to know if anyone knew any good pointers on seahorses. The tank I plan on putting them in is a 29 hex. I have alot of live rock and sand...
  8. clownfish1452

    Help with snowflake eel.

    I believe my snowflake eel has a broken jaw I will try my best to get a picture. But is it possible for a snowflake to brake its jaw. I do not think that he is eating I have been trying to feed it. But he may be eating on its own but I do not know what. Thank You Sarah
  9. clownfish1452

    Food for Puffer?

    Mine will also eat squid. Sarah :)
  10. clownfish1452

    Outraged about Early Show "Finding Nemo"

    I just wanted to say thank you for doing this post. I also saw the show I was going to post on it and I just have not had any time. I will also do all I can to help. Sarah :)
  11. clownfish1452

    Just saw Nemo

    I saw it on friday too. My favorite part was when the star fish was making scum angels. It was a very good movie and I also will be buying it when it comes out on DVD. Sarah :)
  12. clownfish1452

    "Finding Nemo"

    I took my little sister to see it. The movie is so cute. I think I will go see it agian. Sarah :)
  13. clownfish1452


    1. college 2. apartment manager 3. fish tanks Sarah :)
  14. clownfish1452

    Feeding a Yellow Tang

    Or you can go to a chinese food store and get nori. It is a lot cheaper. And tangs like it just a much. Sarah :)
  15. clownfish1452

    Puffer fish

    I feed mine freezedried krill and brine shrimp once in a great while. I have had mine almost a year with no problems yet. Sarah :)
  16. clownfish1452

    My Fish Are Shakeing

    Do you have a ground wire. They could be getting some kind of a shock. Hope I Help a little Sarah:)
  17. clownfish1452

    Red slimey stuff...What is it???

    It is red slime algea and it is easy to get rid of all you have to do is go the your lfs and buy Red Slime Remover follow the instructions. But then as soon as you can you want to get more power heads to get more movement in your tank then it will be harder for the red slime to grow. I hope...
  18. clownfish1452

    Updated pics

    You have a very nice tank. Sarah :)
  19. clownfish1452

    bought a porc puffer today

    I have had damsels in with my porky puffer for almost a year and she has not got after them yet. But it could be the temperment like you have said. They are the greatest fish I hope you are very happy with yours. Good Luck Sarah :)
  20. clownfish1452

    Anyone allergic to aquarium water???

    Sorry about the missunderstanding about the gloves. I just wanted to ask how high up your arm do the gloves go? Thank You Sarah