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  1. ohiorn67

    6-line wrasse?

    HI Mona, you post alot on my threads too!! Hi Fishmamma!! I LOVE my 6 line...he was the 3rd fish in for 2 maroons and then him. He is fantastic and is very active around the tank. Mine loves to swim alone but does at times hang out with my maroons. I never see him sleep, he hides so...
  2. ohiorn67

    Tank Move Advice Needed (please??!!)

    Hi, only a suggestion, I have thought about this also because I am wanting to purchase a used tank. I am going to try and get my lfs to BABYSIT for my livestock and any that might come with my new tank.....many will do this while you are setting up shop, so to speak. You might want to try this...
  3. ohiorn67

    Wanted: 135 Or Larger Tank Setup..tennessee

    yes please send me info, very interested...can you get me dimensions and pics? thanks so much!
  4. ohiorn67

    Wanted: 135 Or Larger Tank Setup..tennessee

    ok, last time I am gonna bump my thread here..hoping I get a reply, I am willing to drive a little to come and get a setup....anyone?? :joy:
  5. ohiorn67

    Ph Question For The Oldies On The Board Please!!

    thanks, I have 2 power heads in each back goes to the top for gas exchange, the other towards the front and center of tank for flow...then I have a revolving powerhead in top mid center of tank for circulating back of tank behind rock. Then of course my skimmer...remoraC pro and of...
  6. ohiorn67

    Ph Question For The Oldies On The Board Please!!

    Ophuria....well said!! I feel much better. My alkalinity when I first started this tank was always on the higher side which is where they always told me to keep it. It has since in the last 2 months sat at the normal range. My Ph is reading here exactly what it had been reading the last few...
  7. ohiorn67

    Ph Question For The Oldies On The Board Please!!

    HI, THANKS in advance for the info. I went to the LFS today for my weekly water check. Parameters were: Alk--norm Ph--8.1 (home just now it was solid 8.2 ammon-0 nitritrite-0 nitrate--0 calcium 360 (usually I run high just did 1/2 dose of reef complete) I do a 10% water change every sunday...
  8. ohiorn67

    canister filters?

    HI Reefnut, I ran mine for a couple of week and saw that cyano as a change in the tank...maybe I should have not run it so long. I used the carbon pads you put in the eheim so not sure what the deal was but for 22 bucks for 3 of them I think they were good ones. I do change my filter "cotton"...
  9. ohiorn67

    canister filters?

    some run their carbon all the time, I have used carbon once for a couple of weeks and noticed some cyanobacteria creep up for the first time...carbon can leak phosphates which I think is what happen to me..but all systems are different. I have since removed it and problem solved.
  10. ohiorn67

    canister filters?

    gosh, I am not sure about the syphon button, my husband got it started. We purchased it at the lfs (dumb dumb dumb) and paid 200.00, I but I know I have seen them much much much cheaper online. It does however have these great valve turn offs when you need to remove it from under the cabinet...
  11. ohiorn67

    canister filters?

    I have an eheim 2217 on my well and is quite easy to maintain. never had any kind of leak and seems to be built well....
  12. ohiorn67

    A New Goody For My Tank And Updated Pics Of My 90 Reef

    yup, these guys depend on NO light..they depend on you feeding them but they are extremely easy to feed and it is actually kind of fun to watch them slurp the stuff in!!! Get one,they are worth it!
  13. ohiorn67

    A New Goody For My Tank And Updated Pics Of My 90 Reef

    thank you coralcrazy!! When we bought them we were very unsure, we had never actually seen them open at the lfs...we bought with the idea of doing our best to get them to come out. We still continue to take them out of the tank twice a week to feed because our cleaner shrimp is a pig and is all...
  14. ohiorn67

    A New Goody For My Tank And Updated Pics Of My 90 Reef

    Hi Ophuria...welcome to my thread! I see your posts alot on here...reading all the time! I realize it seems a bit fast. We have been on top of our tank every single moment...we do our water changes religiously and have water checked at lfs every single week so, so far so good. We are done...
  15. ohiorn67

    Water Temp

    I also have a 90 gallon and had a weird bout of temps wanting to climb. I replaced my heater....I also have to keep my heater down set like at 74 which keeps the actual temp of tank at 79.5 at night then the high never goes over about 81...occasionally it will go just sligh higher...I noticed...
  16. ohiorn67

    pH help please

    yes, that is a very good thing, it can help balance your tank and raise your ph with increased o2.....
  17. ohiorn67

    A New Goody For My Tank And Updated Pics Of My 90 Reef

    Hello all!! Thanks for the great compliments!! Make sure in your 90 that you have that you have 2 powerheads heading up to create more oxygen into the tank, for I have learned with mine that it is a ph drops and also once my fish got goofy because the O2 levels were not high...
  18. ohiorn67

    pH help please

    I had the identical issue about 6 weeks ago. I was overfeeding and also I added a powerhead at the top for my ripple movement for more exchange at the top and once I got the feeding and movement, my ph has been excellent, not lower than 8.2 to 8.4 midday/evening. good luck!!
  19. ohiorn67

    my toadstool wont open! help!

    mine is pretty new to our is doing fantastic and is in quite a bit of flow but seems very happy there....
  20. ohiorn67

    ya baby new Naso

    thanks for the input. I had the clip only with like small sections of one sheet, did not put full sheets in at least. He seems to love it though so I am so glad. I have fed my other fish their norm..tomorrow will try and give all some brine shrimp. I usually feed small quantity...