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  1. scottnlisa

    Is it possible to have a sump w/o drilling holes in my tank?

      Quote: Originally Posted by meowzer I just watched the video.....and still not 100% sure how it you have to run the pump on it all the time??? Ditto on that. So there is no chance of draining your tank then? What is better sump or canister? What are the pros and cons of a sump?
  2. scottnlisa

    Is it possible to have a sump w/o drilling holes in my tank?

    What happens when there is a power outage?
  3. scottnlisa

    Is it possible to have a sump w/o drilling holes in my tank?

    Quote: Originally Posted by meowzer Yeah....what she said....LOL.....   The one I bought suggested what size return pump you use.....I would have never known how to figure it out on my own....LOL   BTLD...I have never had an issue with the siphon restarting...thank goodness.....and we have...
  4. scottnlisa

    Is it possible to have a sump w/o drilling holes in my tank?

      Quote: Originally Posted by meowzer I bought a Sea Life Systems Pro wet/dry sump......came with everything...overflow, tubes.....just not the return pump I think they are now called reefmasters or something like that I am looking at a magazine right now and found the overflow. Is it wise to...
  5. scottnlisa

    Is it possible to have a sump w/o drilling holes in my tank?

    Quote: Originally Posted by BTLDreef Absolutely, this is how I ran my 40G and how I'm currently running my 155. You need a hang on overflow box - CPR makes the best one, seriously, spend a little money now and save a lot later and you won't have a flooded carpet.   Then you just need a return...
  6. scottnlisa

    Is it possible to have a sump w/o drilling holes in my tank?

    Quote: Originally Posted by BTLDreef Absolutely, this is how I ran my 40G and how I'm currently running my 155. You need a hang on overflow box - CPR makes the best one, seriously, spend a little money now and save a lot later and you won't have a flooded carpet.   Then you just need a return...
  7. scottnlisa

    I got Bristle Worms. Are they good or bad?

      Quote: Originally Posted by BTLDreef IMO, bristleworms are the best member of the CUC that you can have. Will they over-run my tank?
  8. scottnlisa

    I got Bristle Worms. Are they good or bad?

    Quote: Originally Posted by meowzer They are good.....they are a natural part of the the detrius and stuff   ONLY DO NOT touch them.....the bristles I hear anyway LOL I handled them today when I rearranged my rocks.
  9. scottnlisa

    Is it possible to have a sump w/o drilling holes in my tank?

    If so what would I need?
  10. scottnlisa

    I got Bristle Worms. Are they good or bad?

    If bad, how do I get rid of them.
  11. scottnlisa

    What is a good RO unit?

    And not expensive also.
  12. scottnlisa

    Still have problem with green algea and brown algea.....

    Quote: Originally Posted by Flower   Arrange the power heads you already have until you get them to move water in all areas of your tank. Get a stick and attach a thin piece of ribbon to it and move it around in the tank to see were your flow is or isn't.   I bet you have phosphates so that's...
  13. scottnlisa

    Still have problem with green algea and brown algea.....

    Quote: Originally Posted by meowzer Increase it to weekly for now....when I had a bad cyano problem in my 54G....I did w/c's 2-3x a week depending on how much time I had that week   LOL...I just got another Koralia evolution 1400 30g every week is what your saying? or 15 each week? or 20 each...
  14. scottnlisa

    Still have problem with green algea and brown algea.....

    Quote: Originally Posted by meowzer and as soon as you can get more flow in there......siphon it out constantly too.....more frequent water changes, rinse your foods, cut back on lights   much of this has been said I do a 30g water change every 2 weeks. How much more water do I need to change?
  15. scottnlisa

    Still have problem with green algea and brown algea.....

        Quote: Originally Posted by naclfish how old are the bulbs and can u post a pic of the algea Here is the pics of my substrate after my water change 2 weeks ago. I know I need more PH's, I just can't afford them right now.                              
  16. scottnlisa

    Still have problem with green algea and brown algea.....

      Quote: Originally Posted by naclfish how old are the bulbs and can u post a pic of the algea Bulbs are about 1 1/2 month old
  17. scottnlisa

    Still have problem with green algea and brown algea.....

    Quote: Originally Posted by naclfish how many power heads do you have ? point one at the sand bed after your water change see if it helps. also feeding 3x a day even if they eat it all is a lot. our tanks are closed systems every thing we put in them stays there till water change time. even...
  18. scottnlisa

    Still have problem with green algea and brown algea.....

    Quote: Originally Posted by meowzer Well good for you......I have no caffeine, no carbonation....2 outta 3 ain't bad I did all my drinking in my 20's. Enough for a life time. Stomach can't handle it anymore
  19. scottnlisa

    Still have problem with green algea and brown algea.....

    Quote: Originally Posted by meowzer Sure come get it...I just made a new batch of margaritas Sounds good but I don't drink anymore. No alcohol, No carbonation, No caffenine. That's my diet
  20. scottnlisa

    Still have problem with green algea and brown algea.....

    Quote: Originally Posted by meowzer Do you test your phosphates???   I still would only feed 1x a day...LOL....I've been told I feed to much, and cut it in half (but still 1x) No phosphate test. Can I use yours? LOL