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  1. scottnlisa

    Still have problem with green algea and brown algea.....

    Quote: Originally Posted by GeoJ If you are the type that will change the media on a regular bases. I know that I am not. So I would change what I was doing to make the tanks waste numbers balance out.   How old is the tank and what are you keeping in it? Tank is 9 months old. I do a 30g...
  2. scottnlisa

    Please explain a wet/dry filter to me.

    I have read up on wet/dry filters but stil don't understand it. Are they better then canisters?
  3. scottnlisa

    Chromis Acting Weird

    I have 6 chromis's. They are crazyyyyyy. they sleep vertically with their noses faced down. A couple swim in circles. They are just crazy fish. I agree if it is eating, hopefully things will be fine.
  4. scottnlisa

    Why did you decide to have a saltwater tank?

    I had freshwater growing up. I little 20 gallon tank. That is until my dog bit a 1x1 foot sections of glass out of it and eat all the fish. Gotta love labs. My friend last april was selling her 30 galllon saltwater tank because she didn't have time to take care of 2 tanks. If you saw her...
  5. scottnlisa

    Still have problem with green algea and brown algea.....

    I cycle my lights carefully during the day. Mostly I run straight Actinic during the day and evening. I still have a problem with green and brown algea. Will chemi-pure elite help me?
  6. scottnlisa

    ID please

    Quote: Originally Posted by BTLDreef that too! Quote: Originally Posted by meowzer mean welcome to the MONEY PIT Little by little. Coral by coral. It will get there over time.
  7. scottnlisa

    ID please

    Quote: Originally Posted by BTLDreef You don't have to feed it anything. But if you want it to grow faster, a mysis every other day will help. But, you don't HAVE TO do anything. Congrats on the hitchhiker. By the way, it's an excellent starter coral. Does this mean I graduate to the reef forum...
  8. scottnlisa

    Does Aquaripure really work?

    Is it worth the money?
  9. scottnlisa

    ID please

    Thank you
  10. scottnlisa

    ID please

    If you look at the pics, what are the hard pointing things on that piece of rock? They are really hard and seem to be growing
  11. scottnlisa

    ID please

    Quote: Originally Posted by Bang Guy   My first guess would be Protopalythoa.   But i haven't feed it anything and it's growing. It's like the Blob. lol Will mysis shrimp work? That is all I have right now. I don't want it to die.
  12. scottnlisa

    ID please

    Quote: Originally Posted by meowzer   Who knows......a good got mine from here actually.....I ordered some yellow polyps and they were on the side of it Can I assume that my water perimeters are good for corals? I am not going to buy anything till I get a reef test kit...
  13. scottnlisa

    ID please

    I'm scared. My first piece of coral. Where did it come from?
  14. scottnlisa

    Who likes Cell Phones?

    I use my cellphone for everything. Internet on the road, texting, and calls. I couldn't image my life without a cellphone. I can't wait to get the new Droid. if we didn't have DSL I would of cancelled my land line months ago.
  15. scottnlisa

    ID please

    Quote: Originally Posted by meowzer       Are you teasing me?????   Now seriously, if it is a brown poylp, what do I do? Do I feed it because I have totally neglected it. LOL
  16. scottnlisa

    ID please

    Quote: Originally Posted by meowzer       Are you teasing me?????   Who me?
  17. scottnlisa

    ID please

    Quote: Originally Posted by meowzer That's what you call better                                   a                     hahahahahaha...i'm jokin with ya....I'm in that kinda mood....heehee   HMMMM...Might just be a brown polyp OMG!!! What should I do?
  18. scottnlisa

    ID please

    Here are some better pics. I did notice that there is a green dot right in the middle of the opening.      
  19. scottnlisa

    What type of salt do you use?

    I use Morton's.
  20. scottnlisa

    ID please

      Quote: Originally Posted by TeresaQ looks kinda like a brown button polyp to me. can you get a better pic. I am going to try get a better pic after I eat dinner.