Search results

  1. nikkoli110

    Green water! Algae Bloom?

    Hello, I recently added a hob refugium, with a dsb of 5 inches, and some macro algae. I just came back from my trip to NY, my bf watched over my tank, and the water was so green! Very thick like, can't see the back of the tank. All fish, corals, and shrimp are doing ok, or so it looks. I was...
  2. nikkoli110

    Chinchila question

    Oooh thats a great idea, thats so cute!!! You deffinatly should! :joy:
  3. nikkoli110

    Chinchila question

    Yes the poop is easy to pick up with a vac, i just suggested dust buster, there small and easy to whip out whenever the chin is out, i wouldnt be too concerned about the chin, maybe if you get one of the cages that is on a small stand, maybe 1 or 2 feet off the ground? So maybe he wouldnt be too...
  4. nikkoli110

    29 Gal after 11 months

    Wow all those pics look great! I hope my tank can look like that some day....What do you have for fish/clean up crew in there? And where did you put your ph's, I have one of the zoo-med powersweeps in my tank, on the side of the tank, and then one that is connected to my hob fuge. I hate how the...
  5. nikkoli110

    Chinchila question

    I had a chin for a while, like 2 years, but when we got our puppy last christmas, the puppy loved him, but everytime the puppy would go near his cage, he would flip, making that awful noise they make, and he would aim his urine at him and try to get him with it. It was gross. So I put him in a...
  6. nikkoli110

    fave bands?

    I love Led Zep, Tower of Power, the Steve Miller Band. Mostly listen to Led in my car, guess thats really the only time I listen to music. Love drivin by myself out far away, having no clue where I'm going, blastin like Ocean or something. :D Fun fun!
  7. nikkoli110

    Protein Skimmers

    I am buying a used CPR bakpak, a lot of used ones you can find on ----, for like $75 or so. I figured its better to just find one used than to pay the $130 or so new. :D
  8. nikkoli110

    LR questions

    I just had a thread going on the reef page about my lr I ordered from here...Here's the link, a lot of people answered my questions, and I took some pics too, mine is now cycling in a separate tank, and I did add some food to mine....
  9. nikkoli110

    my 2 geko leopards

    Auuh those little guys (and girl) are cool! I've been getting into reptiles and snakes and stuff recently, after my friend introduced me to her 3 snakes, and I got over my fear of them! I love them now! What are they like? What kind of habitat to they need, what to they eat, and what do they do...
  10. nikkoli110

    holy crap

    Mine was doing the same thing to me this week, all of a sudden it sounded like the hard drive was constipated or something, making some funky noises, and then it turned off, and when i tried to turn it back on, it said that the c drive couldnt be found. I wanted to cry, I have all my nieces baby...
  11. nikkoli110

    Need lights and skimmer.....

    Well I dont have any of those, but I just bought my aqualight pc lights on ---- for my 29 gallon. 3 of my lfs wanted over $200 for the 30" deluxe series, it comes with 2 50/50 bulbs, and it was 130 watts, and it had 2 fans. I paid $126 shipped to my door. So it was a pretty good deal, I couldnt...
  12. nikkoli110

    seaclone protein skimmer

    Um....try some spellcheck next time......but as I read that...I think you have to let them go for a while, kind of break the skimmer in a little, although I have not had experience with that brand. Did you just put it in your tank?
  13. nikkoli110

    Job related to this hobby?

    Ooh thats cool Birdy, that'd be a good idea helping people set up and maintain a tank, but I think I need some more experience for that though! But I am going to think about that in the future! BTW, those twins are tooo cute!!! :D
  14. nikkoli110

    Pacers VS Pistons

    Yea that was awful....I turned it on when my bf called and told me about it. Then I look, and I was like, gee, what a surprise, RON ARTEST!!! haha. But I guess it wasnt really his fault, its those fans that threw that crap at him. I couldn't believe what they did to those poor guys. I mean they...
  15. nikkoli110

    Songs on repeat

    Originally posted by daman Nelly- over and over againg. ( ft Tim McGraw ) Same here, just looooooove that song. Never knew that combination would make such a great song! :D
  16. nikkoli110

    New York City

    :nope: 53 days and counting. I know it sucks. But hey, I have to take along my 16 yr old sister anyways. :rolleyes:
  17. nikkoli110

    Ordered LR From This Site

    Yay! I found a little starfish on it tonight. Its a little tiny one, like tan colored, about 1 inch.
  18. nikkoli110

    New York City

    Hey guys, I am going to New York with my parents for Thanksgiving, the 24th to the 28th. This will be my second time there, but the first time, I only spent like a total of 28 hours there, went to a Red Sox Vs. Yankee game, slept, and then went home, so I really didnt get to do anything while I...
  19. nikkoli110

    Ordered LR From This Site

    Auuuh I see. Will the coraline spread from my other rocks to the new rocks over time? Tizzo- Wishing I had gone with the rubbermaids. I just put it in my old 10 gallon, with some new water, the filter, and a heater, and PPPPPPPPPPHHHHHHEEEWW!!!!!!!! P U!!!! Its gross. Thank god its in the one...
  20. nikkoli110

    Ordered LR From This Site

    :eek: Wow! Well thats good news than. I'll hold out some hope! :D Underneath there was some pink colors I didnt have, so thats good. Boy they are stinkin! Haha, got them in curing now. How long does this part usually take? I know I have to wait for the ammonia spike to way up there, then the...