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  1. nikkoli110

    Getting rid of Xenia

    Yea that looks like mine too, I wasnt sure exactly when I bought it, they just said it was Xenia. How can you tell when it looks like its going to split or spread? I can tell on mine that one of the bottoms where it is attatched to the rock, its spreading onto the other rocks I have. Also, one...
  2. nikkoli110

    Getting rid of Xenia

    Ooh now your making me think twice about it! Mine looks like its going to start spreading from the rock it came on, onto my other lr in the tank. But I dont want it overtaking the other corals. Hmm...
  3. nikkoli110

    Fish Suggestions for my 29 Reef

    I have a 29 gallon reef right now, with a hob fuge, and about 40 lbs lr, ls, and the inhabitants right now, are a Kole tang (who I am in the process of getting a new home right now) a tomato clown, a green chromis, 3 peppermint shrimp, and lots of snails and crabs, xenia, shrooms, pink tip...
  4. nikkoli110

    Getting rid of Xenia

    I would suggest either trying to sell it or give some away, I wish I was closer, I would loooove some!!!!! I have a little in one corner of my tank, buts only about 2 stalks and 2 inches of it right now. Also, I have read many forums about creating a xenia regugium, maybe placing it in there to...
  5. nikkoli110

    Feeding Pink Tip and ? About Tomato Clown

    Thanks guys! Yes I have noticed that my shrimp lloooove to eat brine and the raw shrimp I just fed to my anenome. Kinda gross when I think about it...hahaha, but the anenome looks great now! Thanks! :)
  6. nikkoli110

    Feeding Pink Tip and ? About Tomato Clown

    Hello, I have a pink tip anenome, I've had it for about a week. I tried feeding it freeze dried brine, but it could never catch it without it floating away. So I went to the grocery store today, and bought some raw medium shrimp. I peeled them, washed them off, and then rinsed off with some...
  7. nikkoli110

    Group Buy Possibility in RI or MA, or CT?

    Cool sounds good. I actually just found a cool board, the boston reefers society, and I may be organizing one with them too. Not sure if you have heard of this or not, I just got introduced to it and its great.... heres a link to the boards on there...
  8. nikkoli110

    Chirstmas Trees!

    I just read on the site, and the place I used to go to has 13 different types, and over 100,000 to choose from. They take you all around, and you pick out which one you want, adn they either cut it down then, or you tag it and they cut it down later for you. Its pretty cool. :D
  9. nikkoli110

    Chirstmas Trees!

    There actually is a lot of differnt kinds. There a place I used to go when I was little, you go on a farm, and they take you on a hayride, and theres like 5 or 6 (or maybe more) different types, all with different names. Just really has to do with the size of the needles, and stuff, I think.
  10. nikkoli110

    Chirstmas Trees!

    ^^^ Did the same thing this year, my grandparents wanted some trees cut down in their yard, so we found the best "Christmas like" one we could get, and took that one home. Its pretty good, the same kind we usually buy every year. And at least it went to good use! And it kind of does have that...
  11. nikkoli110

    How are fish prices set

    That was a good question and answer. I had been wondering that for a while.
  12. nikkoli110

    What do you do for a living???

    ^^^ Also, it sucks working for your parents because everyone treated me so differently at first, like i was some little brat, but its so not like that. I am one of the hardest workers here, and it kills me to see other people sitting there getting overtime, doing nothing, seeing that its like...
  13. nikkoli110

    What do you do for a living???

    I work at my parents trucking company Jewelers Shipping Assoc & DL Terminals...I am...hmm lets see, I do Human Resources, Accts Recieveable, Rating, Billing, Website Design, Secreterial work for our salesmen, and I guess thats pretty much it. And since I'm the youngest here, I have to help...
  14. nikkoli110

    RO/DI vs Sparkletts Home Delivery

    Originally posted by Andrewt You rather use a RO/DI to save you money. and RO/DI will filter your water to around 3rrpm. tap water has around 300 rpm. IF you need a brand new RO/DI let me know I need one!! :D
  15. nikkoli110

    Group Buy Possibility in RI or MA, or CT?

    Hello, I was just seeing if anyone would be interested in a group buy from this site in the RI or MA or CT area. I wouldnt mind driving a little to meet up with someone, but I would love to buy some corals from here because the prices are waaay cheaper than my lfs. Just post here if anyone would...
  16. nikkoli110

    How Good Is The Quality Of Swf 20 Pounds Of Lr

    Hello, we had another thread going about the lr i ordered from here, its ok so far, but I think its going to be great when I get it in my tank. Tomorow will be 2 weeks since I got it, and I will be adding it this weekend. Saw the ammonia spike go sky high, and then the nitrites, and now ammonia...
  17. nikkoli110

    Green water! Algae Bloom?

    Well I'm a happy girl! I just came home from work a while ago, to find my tank *almost* crystal clear. Last night I bought Phos-x, just to try it (i dont have a test kit for it yet, its on the way). So thats cool! haha. Thanks for all the help guys!!!
  18. nikkoli110

    Green water! Algae Bloom?

    The sand in the fuge is from my main tank. Its been in there for 8 months now, and it had lots of pods and stuff, so I figured I would put it in there instead of adding anything new. Was this wrong? (Hope not!! :nervous: ) And about the lights, I used to have them on for like 10 hrs a day, but...
  19. nikkoli110

    Green water! Algae Bloom?

    I already did like a 25% water change, I do have a skimmer, which is pulling a lot of dark green stuff out, um....the water temp is about 79, I have the hob penguin bio-wheel filter with the little carbon filter in it, and i just changed that. The only thing that has changed was when I added the...
  20. nikkoli110

    Green water! Algae Bloom?

    Someone please help! I need to know what I should do! I was reading about the diatom vortex filters, maybe I should buy one?? Dont know if its just going to go away on its own...:confused: