Hello, I recently added a hob refugium, with a dsb of 5 inches, and some macro algae. I just came back from my trip to NY, my bf watched over my tank, and the water was so green! Very thick like, can't see the back of the tank. All fish, corals, and shrimp are doing ok, or so it looks. I was just wondering if this is a side effect of adding the new refugium? The algae also leaves a coating on the glass, which comes off easily with the magnet cleaner. I havent added anything else, no more fish or anything. The fish were only fed once while I was away, and i premeasured it for him to feed them to prevent over feeding. I only feed every other day, and I just have added a timer so I can keep my lights on a schedule. I have cut it back from 10 hrs to 7 1/2 hours a day, but I dont think I should do it any less because of my corals. I currenly have some mushrooms, a lt plate, a slipper, a few button polyps, and some xenia. The lights are 30" coralife deluxe with 130 watts with 50/50 bulbs. The readings are amm=0, nitrite=0, ph 8.3, salinity 1.022, and my nitrate is at 40, which I know is high so that was why I added the refuge, macro alage, and xenia. What could be causing this? I am at a loss. Thanks for any help!