Green water! Algae Bloom?


Hello, I recently added a hob refugium, with a dsb of 5 inches, and some macro algae. I just came back from my trip to NY, my bf watched over my tank, and the water was so green! Very thick like, can't see the back of the tank. All fish, corals, and shrimp are doing ok, or so it looks. I was just wondering if this is a side effect of adding the new refugium? The algae also leaves a coating on the glass, which comes off easily with the magnet cleaner. I havent added anything else, no more fish or anything. The fish were only fed once while I was away, and i premeasured it for him to feed them to prevent over feeding. I only feed every other day, and I just have added a timer so I can keep my lights on a schedule. I have cut it back from 10 hrs to 7 1/2 hours a day, but I dont think I should do it any less because of my corals. I currenly have some mushrooms, a lt plate, a slipper, a few button polyps, and some xenia. The lights are 30" coralife deluxe with 130 watts with 50/50 bulbs. The readings are amm=0, nitrite=0, ph 8.3, salinity 1.022, and my nitrate is at 40, which I know is high so that was why I added the refuge, macro alage, and xenia. What could be causing this? I am at a loss. Thanks for any help!


Someone please help! I need to know what I should do! I was reading about the diatom vortex filters, maybe I should buy one?? Dont know if its just going to go away on its own...:confused:


People probably aren't answering because this is one of those things that can be caused by a ton of different problems. First thing is to do a 20% water change. Hopefully you have enough aged water. Next thing is to get rid of the Nitrates, which it sounds like you're trying. The water change will help a little. Do you have a skimmer? If not, it's an absolute must and will also help control the nitrates. If you do, be sure it's working okay. It should be collecting scum real well right about now.
What's the water temp.?
Do you have a filtration system that will accept some poly fiber? If so, it can help to polish the water back to visability.
Did you bf leave a window open and allow direct sunlight into the tank? Just a thought.
How's your circulation and oxygen content?
Does this help or is this too elementary and you were looking for something deeper?


I already did like a 25% water change, I do have a skimmer, which is pulling a lot of dark green stuff out, um....the water temp is about 79, I have the hob penguin bio-wheel filter with the little carbon filter in it, and i just changed that. The only thing that has changed was when I added the refugium, which it seemed like maybe that caused it. I have two power heads, plus the return from the filter, and the refugium, so I thought that was good enough. Maybe I should remove some of the macro? There is alot in there right now. Donno, anything else I should look at? Thanks....


I don't think it's a good idea to remove the macro algae. As it will help to get rid of the micro.
Were your lights on a timer before you left? If so, did the on period change? If you didn't, maybe your bf didn't turn them on and off like you used to. Did you change any of the light bulbs out?


The sand in the fuge is from my main tank. Its been in there for 8 months now, and it had lots of pods and stuff, so I figured I would put it in there instead of adding anything new. Was this wrong? (Hope not!! :nervous: )
And about the lights, I used to have them on for like 10 hrs a day, but the algae started growing on the glass, so I trimmed it down to 8, and added the timer about 3 weeks ago. So its been on a constant and steady schedule. The unit is only about 2 months old, so I dont think the bulbs should be any problem. They are the pc aqualights. Hmm.... :confused:


I had the same problem; after going through the steps I realized my RO/Unit had to have its filters replaced. I also ran my UV Light for a couple days and this cleared up the water real fast. I only run the UV during outbreaks...
It's a fight against the spores that spread and take over your tank....


Well I'm a happy girl! I just came home from work a while ago, to find my tank *almost* crystal clear. Last night I bought Phos-x, just to try it (i dont have a test kit for it yet, its on the way). So thats cool! haha. Thanks for all the help guys!!!