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  1. damsel luver

    Niger Trigger/ Puffer

    trigger. definately.
  2. damsel luver

    i think i may have too many fish... do I?

    I think it would be fine if you good filteration and a large enough skimmer. i advise u 2 get a larger tank coz marine fish are great 4 rainy days when u dont have anything 2 do.
  3. damsel luver

    funny stories

    do any of your fish do any thing funny? if they do plz limit 2 the ammount of stories you can put on coz i love funny stories about fish.
  4. damsel luver

    Brittle Sea Star Help Asap

    it should be fine. i read they grow their legs 4 why his legs r falling off i dont know
  5. damsel luver

    Bob, my hermet crab. What should i feed him

    i was wondering if any1 knows wat i can feed my hermet crab other than invert food. plz tell me all u know.
  6. damsel luver

    You just might be a Reef Addict

    you might be a reef adict if you spend more money on your SW tank than on your family you might be a reef adict if you spend the money you were saving 4 a trip 2 your dream vacation on buying stuff 4 your DT
  7. damsel luver

    You just might be a Reef Addict

    If u take more time thinkin of names 4 your fish than u do 4 your children.............u may just be a reef adict
  8. damsel luver

    why do u have a sw aquarium?

    I have a FW aquarium 2. i have guppies and they have had babies. i have been able 2 raise 2 from birth. i went 2 a shop 2 buy more FW fish and the shop had a SW aquarium in it and i saw an emperor angel and i wanted it really bad so i got a SW aquarium.
  9. damsel luver

    Earth day

    I live in Dubai, UAE (United Arab Emirates).Thats wat i said about it
  10. damsel luver

    Earth day

    The city i live in is celebrating earth day by cutting off the electricity for an hour so what should i do about the filter and skimmer coz i cant buy a generator in time. wat should i do?
  11. damsel luver

    Pesty Pests

    i had my qt and dead dry coral outside trying 2 sun dry it. the bad bit is people from the pest control authorities came round spraying pest control stuff all over the place in a compound near me but the smell reached us. can any1 tell me wat 2 do?
  12. damsel luver

    Pesty Pests

    i had my qt and dead dry coral outside trying 2 sun dry it. the bad bit is people from the pest control authorities came round spraying pest control stuff all over the place in a compound near me but the smell reached us. can any1 tell me wat 2 do?
  13. damsel luver

    Definitely my last order from

    You should always quarentine your fish when you buy them so this doesnt happen
  14. damsel luver

    I'm never eating beef again!

    I wouldnt eat beef again if it didnt taste so good but the problem is beef is my favorite meat (especialy steak). I tried to go off fish. it didnt. work next day i was eating fish again
  15. damsel luver

    damsels dancing?

    Can any1 tell me wat it means wen a damsel shakes its tail at super fast speed in another fish's face? 1 of my damsels constantly shakes her tail in my angelfish's face and my other damsel shakes her tail in the first damsels face after damsel 1 hits her. does any1 no wat dis means?
  16. damsel luver

    What Tang should i buy?

    DONT get a blue tang. VERY hard to keep without it getting ick. plus i heard they go into shock realy easily. One more thing. Can any1 tellme how to post new threads
  17. damsel luver

    live rock

    My advice is CURE EVERYTHING before tou put it into the aquarium.Even if you have been told it's already been cured