not sure on my gota hold of my gauge....
salinty....1.024(in the norm by my gauge)
temp.....77 fer.
ph.....7.2 the normal range by my test card
im out of nitrate test so i gota get that this weekend....
im using my buff once a week like i was told to keep everything in order. the get mysis shrimp cubes 2-3 times a week, i hatch off brine shrimp twice a week to feed them and my fresh tank, they also get a liquid invert food 2-3 times a week.
everything in the tank is fine minus him losing his arms,,,,he still somewhat crawls around the tank. as for the arm chunks the hermits and the CBS and skunk shrimp have pretty much devoured them.....
could the CBS be attacking him? i never see the 2 messing with each other the only time they are near each other is when the star is in his cave and the CBS is on the rock face.....