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  1. kevindouglas3

    tomato clown question

    hey guys i have a quick question for you i have a new tomato about 2 days old now and i have noticed that he looks a little like he has powder on him and a ton of small white dots they kind of look like air pockets kinda but im not to sure what it is.
  2. kevindouglas3

    new black and white clowns

    nice set of australians how big are they??
  3. kevindouglas3

    ocellaris clown

    i had the same question like a week ago and noone could help me but at this point in time i have a true and a false and they were fighting but now the smaller of the two has given up so now everything is good and now im just waiting for them to mate so you should be fine just watch them and see...
  4. kevindouglas3

    my clownfish

    well this setup is only temp. i have a 55 gallon cycling right now so the clowns are going in that one i dont think they are the same but they might be i think there both false but im not to sure they both cost around 20 so i dont think there all that great and actually the clown fish dont even...
  5. kevindouglas3

    my clownfish

    hey guys i have a quick question for everyone last night one of my clown fish started really going after another, its the bigger of the two he or she is grabbing the right fin of the other one and actually holds on to it then lets go and chases it around the tank and then goes after the fins...