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  1. sula

    false perc... can i add a chocolate ocelleris?

    You're worried that they'll produce too many fish? Don't worry, if they start spawning the young will only survive if you take some pretty extraordinary efforts to raise them.
  2. sula

    false perc... can i add a chocolate ocelleris?

    By "chocolate" do you mean the black & white ocellaris? If so, then yes they pair up just like any other ocellaris clowns - just make sure the new guy is smaller/a juvenile and you should be fine. I have the exact same combination :)
  3. sula

    100 gallon tank for sale

    What are the dimensions of the tank?
  4. sula

    Adios, anemone!

    Great picture! Right now I'm trying to deal with my RBTA deciding to move INTO the torch... my clownfish is much more thrilled than I am....
  5. sula

    911 Anemone

    Originally Posted by Binhzino Well I just took it out of the container and placed it on the live rock but it wouldnt plant itself so it just fell on the crushed coral and I left it there. I hope you acclimated.... here is what I would do: either place the anemone back up on the rocks and then...
  6. sula

    911 Anemone

    it's on the gravel? like on the bottom? usually they prefer to plant themselves into a crevice in your rocks.
  7. sula

    911 Anemone

    My maroon did the same thing - I wasn't sure whether the anemone was just deflated as part of acclimating to the tank or if it was unhappy about all the clownfish "attention". What I did was make a little "cage" out of eggcrate to enclose the anemone and keep the clown out for a while. It gave...
  8. sula

    how to tell if male or female

    Originally posted by angiguider :notsure: Females will never change into males????? From what I have read, the largest of the percs will take on the role of does that mean if a larger perc is added to the tank, it will naturally be female, but the original female will remain...
  9. sula

    Time to give up on anenome?

    Is it possible that it is just deflating? Mine seems to do that about once a week - scared the heck out of me the first time...usually in an hour or so it looks better.
  10. sula

    My First Real Nano

    Well, tuningvis and bigarn have hinted, but I'll just say it: exactly how does one assemble little PVC parts to make a skimmer? Is there a "skimmers for dummies" book I should be reading? You see, I'm a woman for whom a DIY project is putting nail polish on at home instead of going to a Nail...
  11. sula

    My First Real Nano

    Come to think of on earth did you fit that many VHO bulbs over a 10 g tank??:thinking:
  12. sula

    My First Real Nano

    well, with all that light you've got you could probably have a nice little ivy plant growing in the vicinity.... pics! we want pics!!!
  13. sula

    maroon clown and what type of anenome

    If you read the sticky at the top of this page, it will tell you all the types of anemones and which clownfish are naturally symbiotic with them. A BTA is a good choice for a maroon clown, if your tank is mature enough and has enough light. I have a tank raised maroon and had no trouble...
  14. sula

    My First Real Nano

    "The skimmer is a DIY made from leftover PVC pieces and a Sponge Bob air pump" personally, I'm waiting with bated breath for the details on this skimmer:D
  15. sula

    protien skimmer

    Well, I honestly don't think you'll be able to keep your water quality high enough ina 10g for any anemone, including a BTA, unless you have some kind of sump to increase your water volume. Just my opinion
  16. sula

    protien skimmer

    Scuba, your profile says you also have a 29g - is that one set up for saltwater?
  17. sula

    Filter/skimmer for a 10g Nano?

    My tank is a standard 10 gallon: 20 inches long. That's how long the coralife fixture is. You can also buy plastic "legs" for it to make it sit higher up off the water surface and also make the length slightly adjustable.
  18. sula

    anemone feeding

    On my 29 I have 225 watts of VHO - set up specifically with an anemone in mind.
  19. sula

    Filter/skimmer for a 10g Nano?

    there's a light that fits over 10 gallon tanks called the Coralife 96 watt quad.... do a web search on it, you'll find lots of suppliers.
  20. sula

    anemone feeding

    Well, not every clown brings food to its anemone either, at least mine sure doesn't. The anemone gets a little "snack" every night when I feed the tank mysis, and I've started to give a slightly bigger piece of shrimp, etc a couple times a week.